1. Research Programme The first general task (T1) is to define the structure and nature of the seismic anisotropy in the middle crust (in the crustal section penetrated by KSDB-3). The analyses of geological, geophysical and petrophysical data obtained in the four shafts of the KSDB-3 will be carried out. The next step of the study includes macroscopic and microscopic (geological), chemical, mineralogical, structural and textural characteristics, and description of rocks. Physical properties, acousto-polarization characteristics in lab conditions will be measured. Modelling in situ conditions for rock samples excavated from KSDB-3 will be done. The data obtained will be analysed and generalized. Modern geodynamics in the KSDB-3 section is the second task (T2). This would include the study of the changes of fluids, micro-seismic and thermal regimes in KSDB-3. The sub-tasks will be solved by monitoring of the water column in KSDB-3 and adjacent boreholes, measurements of micro-seismic (geo-acoustic noise) regime at different depths, vertical variation of temperature and study of heat producing elements, as well as their mineralogy and mobility. Geomechanical conditions in the crustal segment of KSDB-3 are the third task (T3). Determination of modern and paleo-stress field parameters in the borehole, their change from the surface to the deepest point of 12.261 km are objects of the study. The study of the paleo-stresses will require analysing the structure of the suites and strata of Proterozoic and Archean rocks, parameters of their elastic anisotropy, spatial and chronological modelling of geological events by the use of tectonic relationships and mineralogical data. T1: Seismic structure Objectives: Structure and nature of the seismic anisotropy in situ. The first step is the analysis of geological, geophysical, and petrophysical data obtained in the four shafts of KSDB-3 (sub-task T1.1). The next one is preparation of thin sections and sample cubes from the suites and strata of the Proterozoic and Archean parts of the KSDB-3 section. Macroscopic and microscopic (geological), chemical, mineralogical, structural and textural characteristics, description of rocks will be done (sub-task T1.2). Acousto-polarization characteristics, as well as other physical property measurements in lab conditions, including determination of elements spatial location, the type of elastic symmetry and the elastic constants of the rocks are the next sub-task (T1.3). The proposed studies of elasticity, elastic anisotropy are aimed at obtaining quite new precise data for rocks under in situ conditions in the KSDB-3 section from the earth surface to the depth of 12 km. Obtaining the real elastic-anisotropic properties of rocks under PT conditions in the section of KSDB-3 is the sub-task T1.4. The data obtained will be analysed and generalized (sub-task T1.5). Input: Geology, mineralogy, structure and texture of rocks in the KSDB-3 section (T1.1, T1.2). Petrophysical data, acousto-polarization characteristics in surface conditions, including determination spatial orientation of elements, the type of elastic symmetry and the elastic constants of the rocks (T1.3). P and S wave velocities, velocity anisotropy, shear wave splitting, density, crack density and volume porosity modelled in situ (T1.4). Output: Correlated petrophysical data according to chemical, mineralogical and textural characteristics of rocks, in order to provide clues for the interpretation of geophysical data (surface data and log data). Relationship between P and S wave velocities, and pressure and temperature for different rock types. Comparative columns of P and S wave velocities, measured on the samples in lab conditions in anvil apparatus, modelling in situ conditions, and data, previously obtained by acoustical logging (AL) and vertical seismic profiling (VSP). Vertical columns of the bulk density, velocity anisotropy index, crack density, volume porosity. Data of shear wave splitting and their relation to oriented micro-cracks and preferred orientation of minerals (texture). A model of P–T conditions from the surface to a depth of ~ 20 km. Nature of various sub-horizontal seismic boundaries. Schedule: 1. T1.1. The analysis of geological, geophysical and petrophysical data obtained in the four shafts of SDB-3: months 2. T1.2. Rock description (texture, mineralogy, and geochemistry), secondary mineral variations with depth and lithology: months 3. T1.3. Conducting density, magnetic properties measurements, acousto-polariscopy of rock samples: months 4. T1.4. Measurement of rock physical properties under PT-conditions: months 13-24. 5. T1.5. Analysis and generalization of the obtained data, writing joint works: months 20-36 Sampling: Field trip for sampling of rock analogues will be arranged if the KSDB-3 collection does not contain core samples of required sizes. Core samples from the KSDB-3 collection and samples of rock analogues will be cut in the form of a cube. Teams will prepare thin sections from Apatity and Giessen. Methods: At the Geological Institute, Apatity, new methods for investigating elastic properties of core samples, in particular the acousto-polariscopy method, which is specially designed for the analysis of anisotropic media, have been elaborated. Magnetic properties will be measured by standard and modernized methods, especially for determining spatial characteristics of parameters. Measurements on some minerals will be performed by electron microprobe. The multi-anvil apparatus at Universitaet Kiel, Germany allows simultaneous measurements of P and S wave velocities in three orthogonal directions as a function of pressure (to 600 MPa) and temperature (to 700°C) corresponding to deep P–T conditions down to depths of about 20 km. Measurements: The main part of the measurements and investigation will be conducted using equipment and methods available at Zapolyarny; Yekaterinburg (magnetic properties); Apatity; Nancy, France; Universitaet Kiel, Germany; Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Prague. Measurements on secondary mineral variations will be performed by electron microprobe at the Institute of Geosciences, Giessen. Equipment for the study of changes in longitudinal and shear velocities at high pressures and for other petrophysical investigations will be used. To construct 3-D models it is planned to create computer programs and use high efficiency computer facilities. The Apatity team will do acousto-polariscopy measurements. Measurements of rock physical properties at P–T conditions will be carried out with the anvil apparatus by the team from Kiel and Prague. Analysis: Geological, mineralogical, structural, textural, geophysical and petrophysical data will be processed and analysed by the teams from Zapolyarny; Edinburgh; Giessen; Yekaterinburg; and Nancy, France. Data on comparison of rock properties in situ, determined by logging and modelled on the samples under the corresponding P–T conditions will be carried out. In addition, the co-operative contribution of micro-cracks, crystalline basis and, probably, fluids in the rock elastic properties will be estimated (Zapolyarny; Edinburgh; Kiel; Apatity; Yekaterinburg). Results of these analyses will be prepared for publication in central editions of Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as in international journals. T2: Modern geodynamics. Objectives: To establish fluid, micro-seismic and thermal dynamic regimes in the column from the surface to 8.5 km. To determine the composition and identify the sources of fluids trapped by rocks. The study of the KSDB-3 fluid regime is one of the sub-tasks (sub-task T2.1). The second sub-task (T2.2) is to investigate micro-seismics (acoustical noise) at different borehole depths. Analysis of temperature field changes, distribution of heat- producing elements is the third sub-task (T2.3). The last (T2.4) is the reconstruction of models, and writing joint works. Input: Geological, geophysical and petrophysical data obtained in the four shafts of KSDB-3 (sub-task T1.1, T1.2). Data on the water column changes in KSDB-3 and adjacent borehole(s), Earth tidal forces at the KSDB-3 site, barometric air pressure changes, information on mining activities in the surroundings, the passage of seismic wave fields, etc. — all reflecting in-situ pore pressure changes in the formations that are in the uncased part of the borehole (T2.1). Data on micro-seismic (geo-acoustic noise) logging along the Kola SD-3 shaft at points with 5–10-m spacing down to the planned depth. Data on detailed geo-acoustic noise logging of the revealed anomalies with a step of 0.5-1-m spacing obtained in the framework of sub-task T2.2. Information on the temperature column in the KSDB-3 section, heat-producing elements and their mineralogy (T2.3). Output: The role of pore fluids in the middle crust, for example: transport processes, stress transfer, and related subjects. The influence of Earth tidal forces on pore fluids, transport processes, etc. Model of fluid flow in fractured crustal domains. Earth’s crust dynamics at great depths. Conclusions about the vertical systematics of temperature, heat-producing elements and their variation with depth. Revised models of heat production in shield areas. Thermal history in the KSDB-3 section. Nature of some sub-horizontal seismic boundaries. Schedule: 1. T2.1. Monitoring of fluid level changes in KSDB-3, including tidal analyses, regression: months 18-24 2. T2.2. Geo-acoustic noise logging along Kola SD-3: months 12-14 3. T2.3. Distribution, mineralogy and mobility of heat producing elements, determination of vertical temperature variations with depth: months 12-14 4. T2.4. Analysis and generalization of the data obtained, reconstruction of models, writing joint works: months 10-12 Methods: Method of quasi-continuous monitoring of fluid level changes in KSDB-3 and suitable boreholes in the surroundings, as well as barometric variations (Zapolyarny). Determination of radiogenic rare gas nuclides (Nancy, France). The methodology of three-component measurements of seismo-acoustic emission of rocks (borehole equipment that can operate in conditions up to 130°C and 80 MPa) will be supplied by the Institute of Geophysics, Yekaterinburg. Other methods: ICP-mass spectrometry analysis for U, Th and K, electron microprobe analysis for mineral studies; techniques and methods for fission track analysis are from Geological Survey of Finland, Helsinki. Measurements: The main part of the measurements and investigation will be conducted with the use of the equipment and methods available at Zapolyarny; Yekaterinburg; Apatity; Nancy, France; Geological Survey of Finland, Helsinki. Analyses: Analysis of mineral diffusivity for deep free crustal fluids (Zapolyarny; Nancy, France; Geological Survey of Finland, Helsinki). This gives evidence of the role of pore fluids in the middle crust for e.g. transport processes, stress transfer, and related subjects (sub-task T2.1, T2.3). Data of magnetic spatial characteristics, on geo-acoustic noise logging along KSDB-3 down to the planned depth will be processed and analysed in the framework of sub-task T2.2 (Yekaterinburg). The same work will be done with the detailed log data on the revealed anomalies (spectral analysis aimed at detecting storm micro-seismic periodicity). Detailed analysis of heat producing elements (HPE) in the drill core samples from KSDB-3. Analyses of HPE in the corresponding rock units outcropping at the surface, determination of the mineralogy of HPE; analyses of the carrier minerals of U, Th and K will be done at Geological Survey of Finland, Helsinki (sub-task T2.3). Generalization of the data obtained, reconstruction of models, writing joint works will be carried out by all members of these teams (sub-task T2.4). T3: Geomechanical conditions in the KSDB-3 crustal segment. Objectives: Geomechanical conditions in the middle crust on the basis of tensiometer tests of Proterozoic and Archean rocks, their deformation characteristics and strength, analysis of core disking, borehole axis inclinations et al. (sub-task T3.1, T3.2). Mathematical and physical modelling (T3.2) to obtain new data on modern (T3.4) and paleo-stresses (T3.5) in the borehole, their change from the surface to the deepest point of 12.261 km. To determine parameters of the paleo-stresses, as geodynamic history of the KSDB-3 section, reflected in elastic anisotropy, in the structure of suites and strata of Proterozoic and Archean rocks. Reconstruction of the KSDB-3 structural 3D model. Input: The geological, geophysical and petrophysical data obtained in the four shafts of KSDB-3 (sub-task T1.1, T1.2). Data on the core density, magnetic, elastic-anisotropic properties obtained in sub-tasks T1.3, T1.4. Results of tensiometer tests on Proterozoic and Archean rock core samples, core disking, borehole axis inclinations, breakouts, caverns, veins orientation in the shafts of KSDB-3 (sub-task T3.1). Physical and mechanical property changes of rocks after their testing to the various PT conditions by the methods of rock mechanics (sub-task T3.2). Dynamics of the thermo-regime and modern stresses obtained in sub-tasks T2.1-T2.3. Results of mathematical and physical modelling of the borehole section under the conditions of uneven-component stress field of a rock mass (sub-task T3.3). Output: The model of modern stress field in the KSDB-3 vicinity. Paleo-stresses and paleo-geodynamic reconstruction in the Proterozoic and Archean sections. The structural 3-D model obtained on the basis of elastic anisotropy and geologic-structural data on the four shafts sections. The impact of the depth factor on physical and mechanical properties of different rock types. Schedule: 1. T3.1. Tensiometer tests, analysing of core disking, borehole axis inclinations, breakouts, caverns, veins and fractures orientation in the shafts of KSDB-3: months 18-20. 2. T3.2. Determination of physical and mechanical properties of rock as a function of various PT conditions by the methods of rock mechanics: months 10-12. 3. T3.3. Mathematical and physical modelling of the borehole section under the conditions of uneven-component stress field of a rock mass: months 9–12. 4. T3.4. Modelling of modern stresses, geodynamic reconstruction in the KSDB-3 vicinity: months 12-14. 5. T3.5. Paleo-stresses and paleo-geodynamic reconstruction in the Proterozoic and Archean sections, writing joint works: months 15-17. Sampling: Field trip for sampling of rock analogues will be arranged if in the KSDB-3 collection one does not find core samples of required sizes. The core samples from the KSDB-3 collection and samples of rock-analogues will be prepared. The team from Apatity will prepare thin sections. Methods: Petrophysical and geomechanical properties of core samples will be measured by standard methods. Elastic anisotropy will be measured by means of the acousto-polariscopy method (T1.3) and multi-anvil pressure apparatus (T1.4). Samples of typical Proterozoic and Archean rocks will be tested by loading and strains will be measured by tensiometers (Apatity; Prague). Modern stresses must be verified by analysing geo-acoustic noise logging (T2.2), core disking, borehole axis inclination, caverns, veins and fractures orientations in the borehole shafts and mathematical and physical modelling (Apatity; Zapolyarny). Strength and deformational characteristics will be determined under uni-axial and tri-axial systems of loading by the methods of rock mechanics (Prague). Measurements: The main part of the measurements and investigation will be conducted with the use of the equipment and methods available at Zapolyarny; Yekaterinburg; Apatity and Prague, Czech Republic. Measurements of rock physical properties at PT-conditions will be carried out with the anvil apparatus by the team from Kiel. The equipment of laboratory of rock mechanics will be used for determination of strength and deformational characteristics by the Prague team. Analysis: The analysis and reconstruction of the modern stress field model (including tectonics) in the KSDB-3 vicinity will be done (Zapolyarny; Apatity; Helsinki; Yekaterinburg; Prague, Czech Republic). Paleo-stresses will be analysed and paleo-geodynamic reconstruction in the Proterozoic and Archean sections will be carried out on the basis of the geological structure, spatial magnetic characteristics of the section et al. (Zapolyarny; Edinburgh; Apatity; Nancy, France; Institute of Geosciences, Giessen). The structural 3D model will be obtained on the basis of elastic anisotropy and structural geological data on the four borehole sections (Zapolyarny; Apatity; Kiel et al.). Success: At present the core material of the Kola super-deep well collected at SIC "Kola Superdeep", Zapolyarny, is stored in good conditions. International cooperation will ensure an adequate study of the unique KSDB-3 core material. Risks: The main risk should be considered for some sub-tasks – insufficient sizes of Proterozoic and Archean KSDB-3 core samples required for petrophysical and other tests. To solve this problem, these tests might be carried out on rock-analogues, sampled on the surface. All the rocks, which have been recovered from the borehole as cores, owing to the synclinal structure of the Pechenga block, have their homologues on the present-day erosional surface in nearby outcrops. 2. Reporting Exploitation & Dissemination of Results Report Schedule Reports on progress of the research will be forwarded annually to INTAS. The schedule of reports (R) is given in Table The research working groups will report their results at annual INTAS workshops, IGCP-408 UNESCO Project plenary meetings and at other international and regional conferences (EGS, EUG, etc.). Scientific articles will be published in Russian and international journals. Special issues on Project research are planned in geological and geophysical journals, which provide a possibility to publish geophysical, geodynamical and petrophysical results. At the end of the work it is scheduled to prepare a collective monograph that would cover scientific work final results for all the research trends. The wealth of information that will be obtained during the Project will be used to improve our knowledge in (a) geomechanical stability of the continental crust; (b) potential and risks for waste disposal at great depth and thus to obtain some social benefit. Further problems to be addressed are the geological interpretation of geophysical measurements and the use of geothermal energy. 3. Description of the consortium Research Teams The Geodynamics of the KSDB-3 project involves nine teams: six of them are from INTAS countries: Germany (2), Czech Republic (1), France (1), United Kingdom (1) and Finland (1) and three from NIS – Russia: Zapolyarny (1), Apatity (1) and Yekaterinburg (1). The main criteria for team selection have been the positive experience in the fields of investigations and previous collaboration with joint ability. The aims of the project can be achieved due to the availability of the core collection at KSDB-3, geological and geophysical data, up-to-date methods, techniques and knowledge. CO. United Kingdom: The University of Edinburgh, CO, Dr. C. Gillen, Director of Lifelong Learning. Geologist, previous international coordinator of INTAS project, 1994–98: “Aspects of the Geology of the Kola Peninsula applied to the Kola Superdeep Borehole (SD-3)”. Task 1, 3. (T1.1. Analysis of geological, geophysical and petrophysical data obtained in the four shafts of KSDB-3; T3.5. Paleo-stresses and paleo-geodynamic reconstruction in the Proterozoic and Archean sections, writing joint works). CR1. Germany: Kiel, Institut fuer Geowissenschaften (Abt. Mineralogie), Universitaet Kiel, - CR, Dr. T.Popp. (Head of the Petrophysical lab). Tasks 1, 3 (T1.1. The analysis of geological, geophysical and petrophysical data obtained in the four shafts of KSDB-3; T1.4. Measurement of rock physical properties under PT-conditions; T3.4. Geodynamic reconstruction in the vicinity of KSDB-3; T3.5. Paleo-stresses and paleo-geodynamic reconstruction in the Proterozoic and Archean sections, writing joint works). CR2. Germany: Giessen, Institut fuer Geowissenschaften und Lithospherenforschung (Abt. Mineralogie), Universitaet Giessen, - CR, Dr. R.Borchardt (Head of Microprobe lab). Tasks 1, 3. (T1.2. Rock description (texture, mineralogy, geochemistry); secondary mineral variations with depth; T3.5 Paleo-stresses and paleo-geodynamic reconstruction in the Proterozoic and Archean sections, writing joint works). CR3 France: Nancy, Centre de Recherches Petrographiques et Geochimiques (CRPG-CNRS), - CR, Dr. J. Ludden, director. Tasks 1, 2, 3 (T1.1. Analysis of geological, geophysical and petrophysical data obtained in the four shafts of KSDB-3; T1.2. Rock description (texture, mineralogy, and geochemistry; T2.3. Distribution, mineralogy and mobility of heat-producing elements; T3.5. Paleo-stresses and paleo-geodynamic reconstruction in the Proterozoic and Archean sections, writing joint works). CR4. Finland: Helsinki, Geological Survey of Finland, – CR, Dr. I. Kukkonen, Senior Scientist Tasks 1, 2 (T1.1. Analysis of geological, geophysical and petrophysical data obtained in the four shafts of KSDB-3; T2.3. Distribution, mineralogy and mobility of heat-producing elements, determination of vertical temperature variations with depth; T2.4. Analysis and generalization of the data obtained, reconstruction of models, writing joint works). CR5. Czech Republic: Prague, Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics AS CR, - CR, Dr. J. Trckova, Head of Department of Geotechnics. Tasks 1, 3 (T1.1. Analysis of geological, geophysical and petrophysical data obtained in the four shafts of KSDB-3; T3.1. Tensiometer tests, analysing of core disking, borehole axis inclinations, breakouts, caverns and fractures orientation in the shafts of KSDB-3; T3.2. Determination of physical and mechanical properties of rocks as a function of various P–T conditions by rock mechanics methods; T3.3. Physical modelling of the borehole section under the conditions of uneven-component stress field of a rock mass; T3.4. Modern stress and geodynamic reconstruction in the KSDB-3 vicinity; T3.5. Paleo-geodynamic reconstruction in the Proterozoic and Archean sections, writing joint works). CR6. Russia: Scientific and Industrial Centre “Kola Superdeep”, Zapolyarny, – CR, Dr. D.M. Guberman, Director. Tasks 1,2,3 (T1.1. Analysis of geological, geophysical and petrophysical data obtained in the four shafts of KSDB-3; T1.2. Rock description (texture, mineralogy, and geochemistry); T2.1. Monitoring of fluid level changes; T2.2. Geo-acoustic noise logging along Kola SD-3; T2.3. Distribution, mineralogy and mobility of heat-producing elements, determination of vertical temperature variations with depth; T3.4. Geodynamic reconstruction in the vicinity of KSDB-3; T3.5. Paleo-stresses and paleo-geodynamic reconstruction in the Proterozoic and Archean sections, writing joint works). CR7. Russia: Geological Institute, Kola Science Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, – CR, Dr. Sci. Eng. F.F. Gorbatsevich, head scientist. Tasks 1, 3 (T1.1. Analysis of geological, geophysical and petrophysical data obtained in the four shafts of KSDB-3; T1.2. Rock description (texture, mineralogy, and geochemistry); T1.3. Conducting density, physical properties measurements, acousto-polariscopy of rock samples; T3.1. Tensiometer tests, analysing of core disking, borehole axis inclinations, breakouts, caverns, veins and fractures orientation in the shafts of KSDB-3; T3.3. Mathematical modelling of the borehole section under the conditions of uneven-component stress field of a rock mass; T3.4. Modelling of modern stresses, geodynamic reconstruction in the vicinity of KSDB-3; T3.5. Paleo-stresses and paleo-geodynamic reconstruction in the Proterozoic and Archean sections, writing joint works). CR8. Russia: Institute of Geophysics, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Yekaterinburg, - CR, Dr. G.V. Igolkina. Tasks 1, 2, 3 (T1.1. Analysis of geological, geophysical and petrophysical data obtained in the four shafts of KSDB-3; T1.3. Conducting density, magnetic properties measurements of rock samples; T2.2. Geo-acoustic noise logging; T3.4. Modelling of modern stress, geodynamic reconstruction in the vicinity of KSDB-3; T3.5. Paleo-stresses and paleo-geodynamic reconstruction in the Proterozoic and Archean sections, writing joint works). |