work programme
Zapolyarny, Russia
Nice, France
Florence, Italy
MINUTES of the Project INTAS-01-0314 working meeting 

Zapolyarny, Russia

12 September 2002

The meeting was attended by: C. Gillen (Great Britain), I. Kukkonen (Finland), D. Ohnenstetter (France), R. Borchardt (Germany), J. Trckova, R. Zivor (Czech Republic), D. Guberman, Yu. Yakovlev, Yu. Smirnov (Zapolyarny, Russia), F. Mitrofanov, F. Gorbatsevich, O. Golovataya, Z. Nechmir (Apatity, Russia), G. Igolkina (Yekaterinburg, Russia).

The Project co-ordinator Prof. C. Gillen informed the meeting participants about financing principles and receipts procedure. Prof. Ed de Mulder, President of the International Union of Geological Scienses, Dr. Vinogradov, Dr. H.-A.Dahlheim, Prof. C.Gillen, Prof. R.Borchardt, Dr. D.Ohnenstetter (from rigth to left) at the INTAS-01-0314 working meeting.A representative of the Russian working group F. Gorbatsevich gave a talk on the national groups' work plans for the entire period of the Project run. Except for the French (Nancy) and German (Kiel) groups all the Project participants have submitted their work plans.

Coordinator C. Gillen asked the present group leaders to outline the immediate work plans and state the problems they face.

G. Igolkina. We have no problems with getting samples for measurements. We plan do conduct well logging in SG-3 within the coming winter. We have a question to Dr. Guberman: is it possible? Dr. D. Guberman answered it is possible.

J. Trckova. We have agreed upon the number and size of the SG-3 samples and their analogues to be sent to us for conducting investigations. We did not include tensometric investigations on the samples into our plans but they are mentioned in our group's plans.

F. Gorbatsevich. There must be some mistake. We plan to run tensometric tests at the Geological Institute of the Kola Science Centre.

R. Borchardt. Three weeks ago I got the SG-3 core samples. They are sufficient for the investigation first stage. We have come to an agreement with Dr. Yu. Smirnov about supplying the next 6 samples.

D. Ohnenstetter. The former leader of our group J. Ludden asked me to represent the French group in the Project. J. Ludden remains a member of our group. In the immediate future I will send the Project work plan to F. Gorbatsevich. Together with T. Bayanova (Apatity) we will select zircon grains for dating rocks in the SG-3 section. I ask to send me e-mail addresses of the Project participants for efficient co-ordination of joint investigations.

I. Kukkonen. We are already working with the SG-3 core samples. We conduct microprobe analyses and fission track dating. For this kind of work we are going to attract a research centre in Australia. Temperature variations throughout SG-3 will be studied. We think that so far we have insufficient data on heavy elements. In a year it will be clear how many additional samples we will need for this task.

Yu. Yakovlev. We are already working over the Project tasks. The detailed SG-3 and its surrounding section has been compiled. The investigation on large-scale structural anisotropy has been performed. Besides, we are responsible for supplying the Project participants with the necessary material.

F. Gorbatsevich. Our team from Apatity is most numerous. The work in all directions of research is being actively conducted. The problems with getting the material and samples are being successfully solved. Unfortunately we failed to get into contact with the German team leader T. Popp from Kiel, in whose laboratory joint experiments might be performed.

Co-ordinator C. Gillen. From the brief presentations of the team leaders it follows that the Project has a successful start. Soon I will send you the Report Forms to be filled in and sent to me before May 2003. Besides we should prepare articles for publishing them in such international journals as Tectonophysics, Precambrian Research et al. One should not forget to mention the Project number in the articles - INTAS-01-0314. Have you got any motions?

D. Guberman. Time flies fast and the Project duration is comparatively short – only three years. So I suggest that we right now begin collecting and completing the ready material on the Project topics.

I. Kukkonen. In April next year in Nice (France) a joint international conference of EGS and EUG. I suggest that the next Project meeting be held in Nice in the conference congress hall.

C. Gillen. The organizers of the EGS and EUG joint conference may provide a separate apartment for our meeting. I can apply for it. Any more motions, questions or comments? No. Upon this, allow me to close our meeting.

E-mail addresses of the INTAS Project 0100314 national team leaders:

Cornelius Gillen - congillen@srv0.cce.ed.ac.uk

Daniel Ohnenstetter - dohnen@crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr

Ruediger Borchardt - Ruediger.Borchardt@geolo.uni-giessen.de

Ilmo Kukkonen - ilmo.kukkonen@gsf.fi

Jirina Trckova - trckova@irsm.cas.cz

David Guberman - KOLASD@com.mels.ru

Felix Gorbatsevich - gorich@geoksc.apatity.ru

Galina Igolkina - igolkin@basko.ru

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