Project Coordinator (CO): Dr Cornelius Gillen, University of Edinburgh, UK 1. RESEARCH 1.1 Overview of research activities The following tasks of the work programme have been completed up to now by the contractors, in the first 12 months of the project. Task T1 Ц Seismic structure. All the contractors have contributed to the first sub-task relating to the analysis of geological, geophysical and petrophysical data obtained in the four shafts of the Kola Superdeep Borehole, in terms of preparing an overview of the vast amount of existing data accumulated by many research groups over 30 years. Substantial work has been completed for sub-task T1.2 Ц there are now comprehen-sive descriptions of the texture, mineralogy and geochemistry of the rocks. Work has been started on T1.3 in regard to measuring magnetic and acoustopolariscopic rock properties. Samples were collected, prepared and distributed to participants in accor-dance with the schedule of the Work Programme, and there has been no variation from the programme. However, in order to fulfil statistical requirements, more sam-ples may be needed, but this can be completed within the allocated period and will be reported on subsequently. Task T2 Ц Modern geodynamics. Most of the work in this section has been designed to be spread over the 3 years because variable parameters are being measured and compared on an active basis. All the sub-tasks have begun and are continuing satisfac-torily, with no deviation from the Work Programme envisaged. Research in this area will accelerate rapidly in the middle year. Task T3 Ц Geomechanical conditions. Rock mechanics tests on samples are being car-ried out continuously, and equipment has been set up, calibrated and tested. The work is going according to schedule. Full access has been given to the valuable collection of drill core samples obtained at the Superdeep site. The modelling work has been de-signed to be spread over 3 years, and no deviations from the plan are envisaged. However, it is likely that more analysis of previous models will be carried out by CR1 (Kiel, Germany), since Till Popp has moved and his colleague Prof. Helmut Kern will undertake most of the allocated tasks. This means that task T1.4 may not be fully completed, since no new samples will be measured for rock properties at particular pressure and temperature conditions. Sufficient data exist for detailed analysis, so that we do not envisage any adverse effects on the overall aims of the project. 1.2 Scientific results The following are the main findings at the end of the first year: Rock and mineral chemistry. One important finding is an obvious change in amphi-bole composition with decreasing pressure and temperature during rock develop-ment. Without any larger volume change by the lack of water addition this can be derived directly from amphibole composition variations at the rim of a few veins. The same holds for some amphiboles in the host rock by themselves. Also, there is direct evidence for high K and Ba mobility demonstrated by a larger number of Ba-rich adularia in veins of KSDB-3 rocks independent of size and whole rock chemical composition. A distinct vertical geochemical zonation of the pegmatite system in the KSDB-3 Archean section (8.0Ц11.5 km) and an identical lateral zonation at the surface (Ust-Pechenga) have been established. A single geochemical trend of vertical and lateral zonation of separate pegmatite systems has been found for the first time. This is of prime importance in the search for mineral resources associated with granite pegma-tites. Petrological analyses show that most Proterozoic processes are mantle-related. Overall amounts of Proterozoic material introduced into Archean rocks of the bore-hole basement along with the remobilized Archean crustal material are estimated at ~30% (~12-15% amphibolites, ~3% granite veins and ~15% migmatized rocks) of the total volume intersected. Archean graniteЦgneiss complexes intersected by KSDB-3 between 6,842 and 12,262 m contain abundant meta-igneous rocks, which occupy 1,381 m out of 5,420 m of the Archean section. Based on petrological and mineralogical criteria, major and trace element geochemistry, two groups have been distinguished in meta-igneous rocks. Thermal investigations. Radiogenic heat production values determined from the whole-rock analyses of 12 samples, and representing the whole depth range of the borehole, indicate values from 0.06 to 1.3 ╡W m-3. Lowest values were detected in mafic rocks (basalts, gabbros) of the Proterozoic section and the highest in granitic gneisses of the Archean section. The values agree with previous published data. First findings are that there are a number of minerals carrying U and Th, the commonest being monazite, apatite, sphene (titanite), zircon, and baddeleyite. In addition we have detected unspecified Th-oxides, which are often as inclusions in apatite or zir-con. Mineral separations of heavy minerals for fission track (FT) analysis have been carried out for 12 samples. We aim to separate populations of several minerals, all being potential for FT work: apatite, zircon and sphene. They all have different tem-perature ranges of partial annealing of fission tracks, thus providing information on different periods of time and temperature history of the Kola section. Annealing tem-peratures range from ~60Ц120░C for apatite, ~210░C for zircon and 250░C for sphene. Thus, the present-day temperature range of the Kola superdeep (up to c. 220░C) allows calibration of FT methods also for zircon and sphene in the deeper parts. Rock mechanics. Investigations of geoacoustic noises (GAN) and seismoacoustic emission of rocks in boreholes allow one to reveal and assess geomechanical proc-esses at great depths as factors of modern crustal movements. Digital equipment de-signed at Ekaterinburg enables registration of acoustic response of a geological me-dium to deforмmaмtions of the order of 10-8Ц10-11m. GAN recording is performed with 3 DNZ-type orthogonal transducer-accelerometers (piezoelectric vibration-survey transducer). Prelimiмnary results show that the section intersected by the Kola borehole is dynamically active. Vertical migration of the stressed state of the rock massif has been found. Gas release in tectonic dislocation zones has been observed. Geochronology. For the first time on the Kola Peninsula the amphibole rock protolith from the KSDB-3 section was dated by the SmЦNd method. It yielded an age of 3.15 Ga. According to the protolith age, amphibole rocks from the Archean section can be subdivided into 3 groups: 2.31-2.50, 2.63-2.79 and 2.89-3.15 Ga. A geological inter-pretation of these rock groups has been made. Substantial variation in the structure and composition of rock-forming micas (biotite and phlogopite) from the amphibolite at KSDB-3 deep horizons (> 8 km) as well as the impact of depth and tectonic dislo-cations on the composition of the main sulfides from the Proterozoic and Archean rocks have been found. This suggests unique rock- and ore-forming processes and the state of the crystalline rock substance at different stages of the continental crust. Petrophysics. From the data obtained, we conclude that the density of Proterozoic and Archean rocks in the KSDB-3 section is very constant. A slight decrease with depth is observed. Shear and longitudinal wave velocities, measured in laboratory conditions show a higher depth dependence that is mainly characteristic of leucocratic rocks. Near the surface, values of P-wave velocities are in the range 6.2Ц6.75 km/s, while for samples taken from a depth of 12 km these values vary from 0.6Ц6.75 km/s. Lowest values of measured velocities are the result of rock disintegration (tectonic-caisson effect). Extraction of rocks from a great depth results in the fracture of mineral grain contacts and substantial lowering of velocities, measured in laboratory conditions. This phenomenon may be used for evaluating the modern stress field at 7Ц12 km depths. Elastic anisotropy is an important feature of rocks representing the Archean basement. Oriented cracks contribute largely to velocity anisotropy at low pressure, in addition to preferred orientation of major minerals. When loaded, samples substan-tially change their properties. Application of pressures up to 600 MPa increases P- and S-wave velocities by x2 and more. The greatest increase in velocity values is ob-served in the initial pressure interval (150 MPa), due to closure of open microfracмtures. Tensiometer tests also show the influence of microfractures on elastic properties of samples. Heating of samples to 600░ insignificantly decreases velocity values (by 0.5Ц5%). Anisotropy, symmetry and asymmetry of rocks in the section correlate with their elastic and strength properties and greatly influence the deviation of KSDB-3 shafts from the vertical. Application of pressure to samples variously affects their elastic anisotropy under high P-T conditions. However, there are samples whose anisotropy decreases by more than an order of magnitude under applied pressure. On average, the longitudinal wave anisotropy coefficient appreciably decreases with increasing pres-sure particularly in an initial interval of up to 100 MPa. Shear wave anisotropy varies within a narrower range. Based on the elastic anisotropy parameters of samples measured under both labo-ratory and in situ P-T conditions, the KSDB-3 section can be subdivided into two parts. The upper part (to 4.5 km) is dominated by isotropic and weakly anisotropic rocks. Highly anisotropic rocks of essentially orthorhombic symmetry prevail at depths > 4.5 km. It was established that elastic anisotropy can have a pronounced effect on the val-ues and distribution patterns of modern stresses in blocks when rock properties in ad-jacent blocks greatly differ from one another (by x1.5 and more). But the change in shape of the borehole cross-section depends to a large extent on the ratio of maximum tangential stresses in the borehole walls and the rock compressive and tensile strengths. Based on core disking during drilling, an initial assessment of the acting horizontal tectonic stresses in the upper crust in the KSDB-3 vicinity has been done. In the Luchlompolo fault area heterogeneities in the distribution of horizontal compo-nents of the total stress field are caused by tectonic and gravitation forces. The primary azimuth of the greatest compressive tectonic stresses in this area was established to be 320. Rock magnetism. The main aim of investigating superdeep boreholes by borehole magnetometry is to study peculiarities of and changes in magnetic properties of rocks in their natural setting according to depth, and to study interrelations between mag-netic parameters and rock types, which relate to an important scientific problem: the interdisciplinary study of the structure and composition of the deep crust. An investi-gation of superdeep boreholes is the only way to directly study the magnetic field, magnetic susceptibility and rock magnetization of deep horizons under real thermo-dynamic conditions. Generalization of magnetometric data on superdeep boreholes gives unique information on the continental crust structure. The rock variety in the KSDB-3 leads to the variety of magnetic morphologies: dykes, sills, lenses, plugs, etc. Our results show that magnetic characteristics of gneisses, schists, breccias and carbonaceous shales, penetrated by KSDB-3, depend on the composition, structure, texture and distribution of magnetic mineralization in them, and on the conditions of rock formation. The difference in magnetic properties of rocks is related to the presence of different morphological types of magnetite and pyrrhotite. References (papers written in year 1 of the project) Papers G.V. Igolkina. The study of rocks magnetization in their natural occurrence according to the data of measurements in superdeep boreholes // Volume "Kola Superdeep and its sur-rounding". Apatity (to be published). Yu. G. Astrakhantsev, O.G. Badalov, D.M. Guberman, S.L. Pevzner, A.K. Troyanov, E.I. Yudin & Yu.N. Yakovlev. The results of investigations into geoacoustic noises in the Kola Superdeep Borehole // Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding", Apatity (a joint publication of INTAS Project teams CR6 and CR8). Yu.V. Erokhin, E.S. Shagalov & D.A. Kleimenov. Mineralogy of chromitites from the Bazhenov ophiolite complex // Yearbook - 2002: IGG UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, 2003, pp. 24-30. H. Kern, T. Popp, F. Gorbatsevich, A. Zharikov, K.V. Lobanov & Yu. P. Smirnov. Seismic properties of rocks from the superdeep well and their surface analogues at Kola: a comparative study simulating conditions at depth. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its sur-rounding". In press (joint publication of INTAS Project teams CR1, CR7 & CR6). Trckova J., Zivor R., Lobanov K.V., Kazansky V. I., Zharikov A.V. & Smirnov Yu.P. Comparison of elastic properties of the Kola Superdeep Borehole core samples and their sur-face analogues obtained by static and dynamic measurements. In print. Trckova J., Zivor R. & Smirnov Yu.P. Comparison of physical and mechanical proper-ties of the Kola Superdeep Borehole core samples and their surface analogues. In print. S.N. Savchenko & A.A. Kozyrev. Current stresses of the rock mass near the Kola Su-perdeep borehole (SG-3). Int. Journal of Rock mech. and Min. Sci. In press. F.F. Gorbatsevich & C. Gillen. Acoustopolariscopy results for some rock-forming minerals. Volume of Russian Acoustical society. In press (a joint publication of INTAS Pro-ject teams CO and CR7). F.F. Gorbatsevich. Acoustopolariscopy results for some rock-forming minerals re-ceived for different frequencies. Volume of Mineralogical Society of GI KSC RAS. In press. O.S. Golovataya. The influence of rocks elastic anisotropy on the stability of mine workings (for the Kola superdeep borehole). Volume "Day of miner". In press. Bayanova T.B., Yakovlev Yu.N., Guberman D.M., Yakovleva A.K., Skuf'in P.K., Delenitsin A.A. U-Pb isotope on zircon and Sm-Nd whole rock model ages for the rocks from the Kola Superdeep Borehole (SG-3) and their homologues on the surface. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print. Nikitina L.P., Ovchinnikov N.O., Babushkina M.S., Yakovleva A.K., Yakovlev Yu.N., Chernova O.G. & Goilo E.A. Crystal structure defects in micas from mafites and ul-tramafites in the Kola Superdeep Borehole. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print. Yakovlev Yu.N., Skuf'in P.K. & Neradovsky Yu.N. Ore mineralization of volcanites from the Luostari group of the Pechenga structure. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its sur-rounding". In print. Skufin P.K. & Yakovlev Yu.N. Geological location and petrogeochemical features of volcanites from the Majarvi, Pirttijarvi and Orshoaivi Formations in the northern Pechenga complex at great depths and in the near-surface zone. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its sur-rounding". In print. Guberman D.M., Smirnov Yu.P. & Tyuremnov V.A. Relaxation processes and anisot-ropy of elastic wave velocities in the space-time coordinates in rocks from the KSDB-3 sec-tion. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print. Gordienko V.V., Gordienko Vl.Vl., Kalinicheva G.I., Ol'khovaya E.A., Rumyantseva E.V., Timokhina L.A., Guberman D.M., Smirnov Yu.P., Yakovleva A.K. & Yakovlev Yu.N. Granitic pegmatites in the Kola Superdeep Borehole (vertical mineralogical-geochemical zonality and genesis problems). Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print. Guberman D.M., Larikova T.L., Morozov YU.A., Smul'skaya A.I., Sholpo V.N. & Yakovlev Yu.N. Structure and evolution of the KSDB-3 geospace based on the results of the study of structural-material heterogeneity. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print. Mitrofanov F.P., Guberman D.M., Kuempel H.-J., Gillen C., Gorbatsevich F.F. & IGCP-408 team. New data on the composition, properties and structure of deep rocks in the Kola Superdeep. CD-abstract. EGS-AGU-EUG Assembly, 6-11 April, 2003, Nice, France. Abstracts F.F. Gorbatsevich, V.L. Ilchenko, O.S. Golovataya & Yu.P. Smirnov. Kola Super-deep: a 3-D structural-anisotropic model of crystalline rocks in the upper and middle crust. Conference "Stress state of lithosphere, its deformation and seismicity". Irkutsk. 26-29 Au-gust 2003 (a joint work of INTAS Project teams CR6 and CR7). O.S. Golovataya. Nature of elastic anisotropy of upper crystalline crust rocks. Confer-ence of young scientists dedicated to the memory of Prof. K.O. Kratz. Petrozavodsk, Sep-tember, 2003. The presentations for the 13th Session of the Russian Acoustic Society (25-29 August 2003), for the international conference "Moscow-2003" and for the international conference in Karaganda have been prepared and submitted: A.K. Troyanov & Yu.G. Astrakhantsev. On some periodicity in time variations of geoacoustic noises in deep boreholes. G.V. Igolkina. The use of magnetic properties of the rocks from the Kola Superdeep borehole for solution of geological problems. B.P. Dyakonov & A.K. Troyanov. The results of investigations into rock seismoacous-tic emission at the Urals and Kola Superdeep Boreholes. A.K. Troyanov. Investigation of the seismoacoustic emission of rocks in the Kola Su-perdeep Borehole section. а | ALL PUBLICATIONS | ONLY: Jointly by INTAS and NIS Project teams |
Scientific Output | published | in press/ accepted | submitted | а | Paper in an International Journal | а | 4 | а | 2 | Paper in a National Journal | а | 14 (Russian, English) | а | 1 | Abstract in proceedings (conferences, workshops) | а | 6 (Russian) | а | а | Book, Monograph | а | а | а | а | Internal Report | а | а | а | а | Thesis (MSc, PhD, etc.) | а | а | а | а | Patent | а | а | а | а |
1.3 Impact and application The main areas of impact of the project are related to the search for deep repositories for long-term storage of radioactive wastes (monitoring of the environment of deep boreholes, the role of fluids, pressure and temperature conditions in the crust); drilling technology, which has industrial applications; and the search for useful minerals Ц the Kola region is well known for its wide range of ore deposits, and this research is fun-damental in trying to elucidate the reasons for the locations of such materials. An investigation of magnetic properties of deep rocks, magnetic susceptibility and rock magnetization in the superdeep boreholes is a way to study the earth crust deep horizons stability, changes of the earth's inner magnet fields. This allows one to predict global changes in the geosphere of our planet. Generalization of magnetomet-ric data on superdeep boreholes gives unique information on the continental crust structure. As the preliminary results of investigations into geoacoustic noises showed, mod-ern geodynamic activity is observed in the Kola Superdeep Borehole section. The Kola Superdeep is located in a seismically stable geoblock of the continental crust. Therefore, the evidence on the geodynamic activity in the KSDB-3 massif will be of great scientific importance. The high velocity anisotropy of rocks discovered at depths of 7-9 km suggests that we should reconsider interpretation methods for geophysical investigations previ-ously carried out in the KSDB-3 area and in other Proterozoic and Archean massifs. Results of monitoring the fluid level fluctuation in KSDB-3 are very important for the evaluation of fluid migration processes in the upper and middle crystalline crust in time and space. They could be used for studying geotechnical conditions for isolation of various nuclear materials when they are stored and buried in natural ob-jects. Currently there are no patents being sought, but there is the likelihood that exploration companies will become interested in the results of the research, which has many prac-tical applications. Such investigations will be pursued in the remaining period of the project. 2. MANAGEMENT 2.1. Meetings and visits The first meeting took place in Apatity, Russia in April 2002 once the successful bid had been accepted by INTAS; this was to set out the scope of the tasks and arrange a circular letter to all contractors. Participants were C. Gillen (CO), F. Gorbatsevich, F. Mitrofanov, D. Guberman, Yu. Yakovlev, Yu. Smirnov, (Russia), J. Ludden, D. Ohnenstetter (France). This was followed in September 2002 by the first formal coordination meeting at which progress was discussed and some minor rearrangements of tasks between con-tractors were agreed, according to the laboratory facilities at the disposal of the teams. The meeting coincided with the final plenary meeting of IGCP Project 408 on the Kola superdeep borehole. Some discussions centred on the selection of samples from the borehole and their distribution to colleagues. All the teams were represented: C. Gillen (UK), F. Gorbatsevich, F. Mitrofanov, D. Guberman, Yu. Yakovlev, Yu. Smir-nov, S. Zolotikova, G. Igolkina (Russia), J. Ludden, D. Ohnenstetter (France), R. Borchardt, H. Kern (Germany), I. Kukkonen (Finland), J. Trckova (Czech Republic). A second coordination meeting took place in April 2003 during the European Geo-logical Union meeting in Nice, France, at which a number of papers were presented by the contractors. This meeting considered progress to date, and looked at the possi-bility of obtaining further samples. There was also discussion about the work plans for Nancy (CR3) and Kiel (CR1), since J. Ludden had moved to Paris (CNRS research director),and T. Popp had left Kiel. In the case of CR3, D. Ohnenstetter is able to complete all the tasks according to the work plan, and J. Ludden will continue to con-tribute in the report writing tasks. For CR1, however, it will not be possible to con-duct more experiments, since the equipment is no longer available. But Prof. H. Kern is willing to continue with the modelling work and the synthesis and analysis of the vast corpus of data that already exists, and this was felt by all the participants to be extremely important, and will not diminish the expected overall results in any way. It was decided to set up a web site for the project, to be lead by S. Zolotikova, with as-sistance from J. Ludden. Teams represented were C. Gillen (CO), F. Gorbatsevich, F. Mitrofanov, S. Zolotikova, T. Bayanova (CR7), J. Ludden, D. Ohnenstetter (CR3), H. Kern (CR1), I. Kukkonen (CR4), J. Trckova (CR5). Apologies were received from D. Guberman (CR6), G. Igolkina (CR8), R. Borchardt (CR2). It is planned to hold another coordination meeting in Florence, Italy, during the meet-ing of the International Geological Congress in August 2004, at which a number of papers will be presented. The main work of the meeting will be to discuss progress and to decide on the final report and overall publication plans. No field meetings are planned, but colleagues may continue to visit each other and may travel to Russia to collect additional samples, if needed. The meetings and visits are summarized in the table below: Visits | Number of scientists | Number of person days | West ==> East | 7 | 28 | East ==> West | 2 | 22 | West ==> West | 5 | 25 | East ==> East | 9 | 82 |
2.2. Collaboration Overall, in my opinion the level of cooperation in all directions has been rather high, with no problems encountered in communications or in the receipt of specimens. Intensity of Collaboration | high | rather high | rather low | low | West <=> East | а | x | а | а | West <=> West | а | x | а | а | East <=> East | x | а | а | а |
There has also been cooperation with other institutes of the Russian Academy of Sci-ences in Moscow, Petrozavodsk and St Petersburg, and in the case of CR4 I. Kukkonen (Finland) with The University of Melbourne, Australia. 2.3. Time schedule Up to now, the time planning has been in accordance with the Work Programme. The only deviation from the work plan would be the lack of additional analyses of samples by CR1, but this will be replaced with significantly more modelling and data analysis. 2.4. Problems encountered As previously stated, we encountered practically no management or communications problems in the first year; we have mostly used e-mail with attachments, and tele-phones. A few rock samples were slow to arrive, causing a slight delay at the start of the project for one colleague. See summary table below: Problems encountered | major | Minor | none | not applicable | Co-operation of team Members | а | а | x | а | Transfer of funds | а | а | x | а | Telecommunication | а | а | аx | а | Transfer of goods | а | а | аx | а | Other | а | а | а | а |
2.5. Actions required From INTAS, we need agreement to allow Prof. H. Kern to take on the work of CR1 from T. Popp, Kiel, Germany, and to agree to omit the analysis of additional speci-mens. Rather less money may be required, in which case we will need agreement to use this for a final plenary meeting to discuss dissemination of results and joint publi-cations. Such a decision on the finances can wait for some months. There is no need for additional funds and no need to prolong the duration of the project or make other amendments to the agreement. 3. FINANCES The table below shows how the money allocated (50% in year 1) was used so far (in И) а | Contractor | Cost Category | TOTAL |
а | Name of Contractor | Grants/ Labour | Over-heads | Travel & Subsistence | Consu- mables | Equip- ment | Other Costs | ( Euro ) | 1 | CO - C. Gillen | а | а | 2044 | а | а | а | 2044 | 2 | CR1 - H. Kern | а | а | а | а | а | а | а | 3 | CR2 - R. Borchardt | а | а | 380 | а | а | а | 380 | 4 | CR3 - D. Ohnenstetter | а | 26 | 121 | 37 | а | а | 184 | 5 | CR4 - I. Kukkonen | а | а | 501 | а | а | а | 501 | 6 | CR5 - J. Trckova | а | а | 1,133 | а | а | а | 1,133 | 7 | CR6 - D. Guberman | 5,800 | 550 | а | 200 | 900 | а | 7,450 | 8 | CR7 - F. Gorbatsevich | 12,600 | 1,000 | 4,035 | 300 | 900 | а | 18,835 | 9 | CR8 - G. Igolkina | 4,250 | 450 | 1,500 | 150 | 700 | а | 7,050 | а | аTOTAL(Euro) | 22,650 | 2,026 | 9,714 | 687 | 2,500 | а | 37,577 |
In Russia the funds for equipment were spent on computers and for consumables, this was paper, toner, ink and stationery. Some participants have not yet used all the travel grant, and aim to retain this for participation in the IGC meeting in Florence; funds are not adequate to allow INTAS members to travel again to Russia, which is very expensive. The spending has more or less been in accordance with the plan. There should be no deviation from the main plan in the next year, except that there may be some savings from CR1 (3100И allocated), that could be used for an additional coor-dination meeting to prepare for dissemination. 4. ANNEXES The attached pages present brief summaries of the work of the groups involved in joint research during the first year of the project, arranged in the same order as in the Work Plan. CO Ц C. Gillen (Edinburgh, UK; Coordinator). Time has been spent collaborating with Apatity on the results of acoustopolariscopy; translation duties; coordination of the project by keeping in touch with all the participants, but mainly through Apatity (Gorbatsevich); and compiling data on previous research with a view to consolidating all the work of this project into a new publication on the geology, structure, geophys-ics and mineral resources of the Kola region. This will be published through the Lon-don Geological Society in their special memoir series, and will be an important con-tribution to science at an international level, and will greatly enhance the reputation of the contractors and INTAS. C1 Ц H. Kern (Kiel, Germany). Professor Kern has agreed to take part in the data analysis and in the writing of joint reports on the 3-D reconstruction of the geological environment in the area around the borehole, particularly relating to palaeostresses at high pressure and temperature conditions, and rock physical conditions. CR2 Ц R. Borchardt (Giessen, Germany). According to the time table the first task T1.2 is the rock description (texture, mineralogy, geochemistry); secondary mineral variation with depth. Tasks that have been done for this are: Preparation of 6 uncovered and polished thin sections by the preparatory Thomas Ramsch; IGL Giessen, Germany Ц full descriptions are available Polarized microscopic investigations for the first description of texture, min-erals and rock type Ц photomicrographs are available Qualitative electron microprobe analyses on unknown phases Scanning electron microscope images (backscattered electrons (BSE)) for de-tailed overview of tiny interconnection features of different minerals, not to be resolved light optically by the polarizing microscope Several x-ray maps and line scans of different elements to show chemical variations of minerals and their associations on the micron scale Quantitative step-scans and single focussed microprobe measurements on minerals in order to get more detailed results on the p,T(pressure, tempera-ture)-history and development of deposited phases from fluids and the rock on the whole Larger scan (70*100 microns) and/or defocused (~80 microns diameter) beam analyses for whole rock chemical compositions on all 6 samples sup-plied.
CR3 Ц D. Ohnenstetter (Nancy, France). At the geochemical laboratory in Nancy, work has begun on mineral analyses, rock descriptions and selection of zircon grains for dating rocks in the superdeep borehole section in collaboration with T. Bayanova (Apatity). The Pilgujarvi intrusion is being analysed, and geochronological data from a range of other igneous bodies in the north-west Kola region. The work is at an early stage and final results are not yet ready to be published. We expect these tasks to ac-celerate next year. CR 4 Ц I. Kukkonen (Espoo, Finland). The thermal investigations in the INTAS pro-ject aim at improved understanding of two major issues in the thermal properties of the upper crust in the Kola SG-3 area: (1) the radiogenic heat generation by natural radioactive elements in the drill hole section, and (2) the thermal history of the drill hole section (Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic cooling and denudation history). The collection of drill core samples of the Kola Superdeep borehole obtained from NEDRA have been carefully and gradually applied for different research tasks within the thermal investigations. The set of samples consists of 82 samples grouped into 36 composite samples located at about 300-1000 m intervals in the borehole, and ranging from 274 m to 12150 m in depth. The most important tasks either finished or cur-rently being done at the moment are the following: Determining the mineral species carrying heat producing radioactive elements U, Th and K in 8 samples with microprobe methods Major and trace element chemistry (12 samples, XRF and ICP-MS analysis) Sample preparation and mineral separation for fission track analysis (partially finished) Fission track analysis and thermal history of Kola section (not finished) Physical properties of rocks (density, magnetic susceptibility, intensity of NRM, electric resistivity, P-wave velocity; all measured at room pressure and temperature; so far all samples have been processed)
Particular care has been taken for acquiring representative results from relatively small samples and to secure that as many measurements and analyses as possible can be successfully carried out without any wasting of the sample material. These meas-urements, analysis and mineral separations have been carried out at laboratories of the Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo, Finland (I. Kukkonen and co-workers) and the University of Melbourne, Australia (Dr. B. Kohn and co-workers). CR5 Ц J. Trckova (Prague, Czech Republic). The triaxial loading frame of 1000 kN with cell up to 250 MPa for temperature measuring in the range to 200░C has been set up for testing rock specimens under P-T conditions, and its failure-free operation has been checked. We collected rocks from the Kola Superdeep borehole and their surface analogue samples and prepared specimens for laboratory tests. We have 9 core samples from various depths (3000Ц10000 m) of the Kola borehole and their surface analogues at our disposal. First experiments, determination of the physical and mechanical properties on the specimens of the collected rocks, are currently un-der way, therefore no results have yet been published. CR6 Ц D. Guberman (Zapolyarny, Russia). Detailed compiling of Proterozoic and Archean complexes in the KSDB-3 section and at the surface in the borehole geo-realm (petrological and geochemical features of volcanic and sedimentary Protero-zoic formations, distribution of amphibole rocks in the Archean complex, the study of ore content in both Proterozoic and Archean complexes) has been done (T1.1). Mineralogical-geochemical description of the section (the study of composition and real structure of rock forming and ore minerals, identification of pegmatite systems zoning elements, composition of pore solutions and gas components) has been car-ried out (T1.2). Analyses of the rock material from individual intervals of the section (inspection of the core and cuttings) and results of the study of rocks physical proper-ties from the KSDB-3 section (elastic, magnetic, jointing et al.), borehole geophysics for the previous years (including interpretation of individual species) were made (T1.2). Fluid level observations in KSDB-3 and surrounding exploration boreholes is going on (T2.1). Geoacoustic noises in the first shaft of KSDB-3 have been measured by the three-component geoacoustic logging in the 300-6800 m range (T2.2, T3.4, together with team CR8). Dating of amphibole rock protoliths in the KSDB-3 Ar-chean section has been done (T3.5). Temperature logging has been made down to a depth of 8.0 km. According to the elastic anisotropy values the entire KSDB-3 section has been divided into 10 stages (blocks), whose boundaries do not coincide with those of the Proterozoic formations and Archean units. The KSDB-3 core is greatly disintegrated due to the drilling technique peculiarities, and the relaxation of rock elastic properties is still going on (20Ц30 years after the core recovery to the surface). A tentative structural-material model of the KSDB-3 geospace has been devel-oped. Its main components are the KolmozeroЦVoronya and Poritash deep faults. Monitoring of the fluid level fluctuation in KSDB-3 and atmospheric parameters showed that the fluid column is not in the hydraulic balance with the pore pressure at depth. The inverse correlation between the fluid level fluctuation and the air pressure variation has been established. The bulk tidal deformation has been assessed. Personal contribution of each contractor: Guberman D.M. - team coordinator, the structure of the KSDB-3 section, the study of the rocks physical properties, the earth crust anisotropy. Yakovlev Yu.N. - the structure, geochronology and geochemistry of the KSDB-3 section; the structure and composition of rock forming and ore minerals, interpreta-tion of the borehole geophysics results obtained in the previous years. Smirnov Yu.P. - the structure and texture of the rocks from the section, the study of the rocks physical properties, anisotropy of the earth crust. Pilyaeva S.N. - monitoring of fluids, hydrogeological observations in the KSDB-3. CR7 Ц F. Gorbatsevich (Apatity, Russia). Core samples from the Kola superdeep borehole (KSDB-3) have been taken for geological, geophysical, petrophysical, in-vestigations and the analysis of the relevant geological, geophysical and petrophysi-cal data for the four shafts of KSDB-3 has been performed. (T1.1, T1.2). Preliminary rock description (texture, mineralogy and geochemistry) has been made (T1.2). Den-sity, physical properties and acoustopolariscopy of rock samples have been measured (T1.3). This work was done on the samples from the KSDB-3 Proterozoic and Ar-chean sections. Special attention has been given to the zone of Luchlompolo fault, as one of the biggest manifestations of geodynamic events in the KSDB-3 section. Mathematical modelling of the borehole section under the conditions of uneven-component stress field of the rock mass has been partly made (T3.3, T3.4). The evaluation of horizontal tectonic stresses based on the data from the core samples excavated from KSDB-3 has been done. Current stresses of the rock mass near the Kola Superdeep borehole have been evaluated. Structural and geochronological in-vestigations have been made and the geological-structural section has been compiled in accordance with new geochronological data (T3.5). Contractor Gorbatsevich F.F. has realized the management and information sup-ply between Russian and western teams. He has analysed the texture and structure of rocks, acoustopolariscopy of samples and measured physical properties (T1.2, T1.3). F.P. Mitrofanov has solved managing and organising problems between Russian teams. He has made the analysis of relevant geological, geophysical and petrological data based on the documentation of KSDB-3 (T1.1, T1.2). S.N. Savchenko has carried out mathematical modelling of the borehole section under the conditions of uneven-component stress field of a rock mass, modelling of modern stresses, geodynamic reconstruction in the vicinity of KSDB-3 (T3.3, T.3.4). Z.V. Nechmir has analysed the results of petrophysical parameters of rock sam-ples, collected statistics and prepared papers for publications (T1.3). O.S. Golovataya has made the measurements of acoustopolarization properties of rock samples from the depths of 7-11 km and analysed them (T1.3, T3.1). V.I. Ilchenko has made measurements of petrophysical parameters of rocks near the Luchlompolo fault and analysed the results obtained (T1.3, T.3.1). E.A. Nitkina has analysed geochronological data received before in the Pechenga region and compiled the geochronological section of KSDB-3 (T3.5). S.Yu. Zolotikova has analysed mineralogical, geological, petrological and struc-tural data based on the documentation of KSDB-3, prepared a draft of the web-site with investigation results on the Kola Superdeep (T1.1, T1.2). CR8 Ц G. Igolkina (Ekaterinburg, Russia). Core samples from the Kola borehole have been taken for geological, petrophysical, magnetic and seismoacoustic investi-gations and the analysis of the relevant geological, geophysical and petrophysical data has been carried out (T1.1, T1.3). Magnetic properties of the rock samples have been measured (T2.2). Geoacoustic noises in the first shaft of KSDB-3 have been measured by the three-component geoacoustic logging in the 300-6800 m range (T2.2, T3.4). The initial data processing has been done. The samples have been in-vestigated and chemical compositions of the sulfide mineralization of basic rocks and ultramafites from KSDB-3 have been obtained. The magnetic field in the 0-8000 m range has been investigated and monitoring of its variations in the borehole and the borehole vicinity (satellite borehole) has been performed on 21-30 November 2002. This investigation has been done in accordance with the Work Programme. The measurements of the magnetic fields and geoacoustic noises were made in close co-operation with team CR6. The use of magnetization value and sign, as well as correlations between mag-netic field and magnetic susceptibility for different rock types allowed one to evalu-ate magnetic mineralization types and structure of KSDB-3. The rocks, represented by interlayered metabasites, meta-andesite, biotite-plagioclase and amphibole-biotite-plagioclase schists, striped lavas and tuffs of intermediate composition are readily distinguished by their magnetic properties in the borehole section. The pres-ence of pyrrhotite mineralization in rocks of KSDB-3 (2000Ц4586 m interval) changes the curves character of the magnetic field and magnetization Ц they become of saw-like configuration and have a variable sign. Heterogeneity of rock magnetiza-tion is mainly connected with a change in natural remnant magnetization. Investigations of geoacoustic noises (GAN) in KSDB-3 were performed by dis-crete logging with a downhole tool. The measurement spacing was 10 m. A number of amplitude anomalies of GAN of different intensity at 0.1-0.5 kHz was detected. A GAN anomalous zone was registered in the range of 5000-6000 m. Two other anomalous zones at 3020-3550 m and 2100-2500 m indicate that there is a vertical migration of the zones of the rocks stressed state. The data obtained along with the GAN investigation experience acquired in the recent two decades are evidence of the activity of modern geodynamic processes at the interval of the KSDB-3 section un-der study. A variation in the minimum amplitude level of low-frequency GAN by 20% and more suggests the prevailing impact of inner forces contributing to the ac-tivity of dynamic processes in the section of the world deepest borehole. Contractor Igolkina G.V. was in continuous contact by E-mail and delivered in-formation to other teams. She participated in the INTAS-01-0314 workshop held in Zapolyarny, 12 September, 2002. In November 2002 she organized a working group to conduct the measurements of magnetic fields and acoustic noise in the vicinity and shaft of KSDB-3. She prepared a paper to be published in the volume "Kola Super-deep and its surrounding", Apatity, and some abstracts for national and international conferences. A.K. Troyanov has organized the measurements of geoacoustic noises in the Kola Superdeep Borehole. He has analysed the first results of the received data. In collaboration with other participants of INTAS-01-0314 he has prepared a paper and some abstracts on results of the measurements. Yu.V. Erokhin has made the analysis of the relevant geological, geophysical and petrophysical data on the documentation of KSDB-3. He investigated the chemical composition of sulfide mineralization of basic and ultrabasic rocks from KSDB-3. Edinburgh, UK, 30 June 2003 |