work programme
Zapolyarny, Russia
Nice, France
Florence, Italy
MINUTES of the Project INTAS-01-0314 working meeting 

Nice, France

9 April 2003

Those present: C. Gillen (Great Britain), I. Kukkonen (Finland), D. Ohnenstetter, J. Ludden, S. Zolotikova (France), H. Kern (Germany), J. Trckova (Czech Republic), F. Gorbatsevich, F. Mitrofanov, V. Vetrin, T. Bayanova (Russia).

The project coordinator C. Gillen informed the project participants that the German team's coordinator T. Popp (Kiel) is unable to participate in the project any longer since he had changed the working place and moved into another town. Another participant from the German team Prof. H. Kern cannot fulfil some of the project tasks since the experimental unit in Kiel is inaccessible for the test run at the moment. So a decision was made to apply to the INTAS leaders to alter the project tasks relating to this team partly. This alteration is possible since a great body of experimental material has been accumulated and it requires processing, analysis and description. With such correction of the project tasks Prof. H. Kern will agree to become the German team (Kiel) coordinator.

The coordinator C. Gillen asked the team leaders present to give brief presentations on the forthcoming work plans and available problems.

J. Trckova. We have received the necessary core samples from SG-3 and their analogues. We shall test them under high PT conditions and using standard procedures. The work is being done in accordance with the work schedule.

D. Ohnenstetter. The French team is fulfilling its tasks. Together with T. Bayanova (Apatity) we will analyse the massif Pilgujarvi and other massifs' geochronological data. J. Ludden noted that since one of the project tasks is compiling a database, we should first create a project website. This website should have an individual address. It might contain both - open material accessible to everybody and closed material with an access on parole. The website should include new results. J. Ludden suggested that S. Zolotikova be responsible for the website - she should create, maintain and supplement it. I. Kukkonen proposed that general information on SG-3, such as geological sections, geochronological data et al. should be accessible. The coordinator C. Gillen agreed to the above initiatives and suggested that all the project participants should send their materials to S. Zolotikova for the website to be created to the address below: zoloti@ipgp.jussieu.fr

I. Kukkonen. We continue our work with the core samples from SG-3. Microprobe and fission-track analyses are being conducted. Temperature variations along the SG-3 borehole have been studied. At the current EGS-AGU-EUG Assembly some presentations containing the obtained results have been made.

F. Gorbatsevich. We have done some determinations of the rock physical properties, processed, analysed and described part of the data on elastic anisotropy of the rocks, assessment of palaeo- and modern stresses in the SG-3 section. Besides we are compiling structural-chronological Proterozoic and Archean sections. We have already some project-related publications. The research teams from Zapolyarny and Ekaterinburg have done a great body of work on measuring microseismic noises in SG-3 down to a depth of about 8 km. Monitoring of the fluid level in the borehole is going on. The samples and rocks that are interesting in terms of tectonic processes manifestation are being described. Samples for research teams are being taken.

The coordinator C. Gillen noted that the brief presentations made by the team leaders suggest that there are no serious problems related to the project run. He reminded that the Project report forms should be filled by the team leaders till 15 May 2003. In the report as well as in the papers to be issued particular emphasis should be placed upon cooperation between East and West. It might be expressed in joint publications of the work outcome. The papers published in such international journals as Tectonophysics, Precambrian Research et al. will be of great importance. The authors should note INTAS-01-0314 in their papers. Are there any suggestions?

F. Mitrofanov. In the IGCP-408 volume we are compiling there are papers meeting the tasks of the INTAS-01-0314 project. I suggest this volume should be prepared and issued under the auspices of the IGCP-408 and INTAS-01-0314 projects.

The coordinator C. Gillen agreed to this proposal. He suggested appointing the place and time of the next meetings. The research teams leaders, he said, are likely to find a possibility to participate in the International Geological congress to be held in August 2004 in Florence, Italy. The next INTAS project coordination meeting might be arranged during that congress.

The proposal was carried.

F. Mitrofanov proposed holding a working meeting that might be combined with taking geological samples and discussions. The most convenient site for this meeting is Zapolyarny, the approximate time - August-September this year. But the exact time should be agreed upon with Dr. D. Guberman later.

I. Kukkonen. I have the information that might be useful to the project participants. In Finland, at the Outokumpu deposit area, the Russian Concern "Nedra" will drill an investigation borehole 2.5 km deep. The core will be taken from the entire depth section. The rocks are Early Proterozoic. The drilling will start in August 2003 and will terminate in about a year. The Finnish Geological Survey will mainly conduct the investigation of the core and borehole section, but they plan to attract foreign specialists as well.

The meeting participants took the information into consideration.

In conclusion C. Gillen asked the participants to send him the report materials for the first year of the project run. The report forms should be filled and sent till 15 May 2003. The leaders of the Russian research teams should send their reports to F. Gorbatsevich, the western team leaders - to C. Gillen.

After that the meeting was closed.

Below you'll find the e-mail addresses of the INTAS-01-0314 national team leaders:

Cornelius Gillen - congillen@srv0.cce.ed.ac.uk

Daniel Ohnenstetter - dohnen@crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr

Hartmut Kern - kern@min.uni-kiel.de

Ruediger Borchardt - Ruediger.Borchardt@geolo.uni-giessen.de

Ilmo Kukkonen - ilmo.kukkonen@gsf.fi

Jirina Trckova - trckova@irsm.cas.cz

David Guberman - KOLASD@com.mels.ru

Felix Gorbatsevich - gorich@geoksc.apatity.ru

Galina Igolkina - igolkin@basko.ru

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