
work programme
june 2002 - june 2003
june 2003 - may 2004
Second periodic report June 2003 Ц May 2004 (months 13Ц24)а

Project Coordinator (CO): Dr Cornelius Gillen, University of Edinburgh, UK


1.1 Overview of research activities

The following tasks of the work programme have been completed up to now by the contractors, in the second 12 months of the project (months 13-24).

Task T1 Ц Seismic structure.Tasks T1.1-1.4 have now been completed, with contributions from all the contractors. The results will be used in the completion of Tasks T2 and T3, and in the preparation of the final report and publications (T.1.5). New rock samples have also been analysed, and detailed compilations of Archaean and Proterozoic complexes in the borehole and surrounding areas have been successfully completed, including a specific study of ore mineral content (200 microprobe analyses of sulphides). Investigations of core samples from the Kola Borehole have continued. Analyses of geological, geophysical and petrophysical data have been done to reconstruct the geodynamic history of the Pechenga massif (T1.1, T1.2). Rock descriptions (texture, mineralogy and geochemistry) have been made to analyse periods of volcanic activity (T1.2). Geochronological data from the Proterozoic and Archaean sections in the borehole were re-analysed. Density, physical properties and acousto-polariscopy of rock samples were measured and analysed. The decompaction mechanism of deep crystalline rocks under stress relief has been investigated.

Task T2 Ц Modern geodynamics.Tasks 2.1-2.3 are running according to schedule. For 2.4, the main activities will be concentrated in months 28Ц36. Geo-acoustic noise logging and down-hole temperature logging to 8.2km depth have been completed, and the initial data processing has been done.

Task T3 Ц Geomechanical conditions.Task 3.1 has been completed, 3.2-3.4 are on schedule, and 3.5 will be done mainly in months 24Ц36, although a common description of rock parameters has already been provided. Mathematical modelling of the borehole section under conditions of uneven-component stress field of the rock mass has been made (T3.3, T3.4). An evaluation of current stresses and horizontal tectonic stresses based on data of elastic anisotropy of rocks, modelled for PT-conditions in situ, has been carried out. Fault-controlled ore emplacement has been established in ulramafic rocks of the Zhdanov ore deposit.

1.2 Scientific results

The following are the main findings at the end of the second year:

Rock and mineral chemistry. The ArchaeanЦEarly Proterozoic basement of the Pechenga palaeorift was penetrated by the Kola borehole in the 6842Ц12261m depth interval. The main basement rocks are gneisses of trondhjemiteЦtonalite composition, associated with amphibolites, feldspathic gneisses and banded iron formations. It has been shown that the Pechenga palaeorift basement and rock associations exposed at the surface in the NW part of the Kola-Norwegian block are of similar age and composition. The components are sedimentary, volcanic and plutonic rocks of an Archaean graniteЦgreenstone belt, segmented by rifting in the early Proterozoic. Rocks of the Pechenga basement were affected by Proterozoic magmatism and metasomatism related to rift development. The most intense Proterozoic process in the Pechenga basement and its immediate surroundings was the intrusion of numerous mafic-ultramafic bodies. This was followed by retrograde metamorphism at medium- to low-T amphibolite and epidote-amphibolite facies, syn-metamorphic migmatization, and emplacement of post-kinematic granite dykes.

Thermal investigations. An analysis of results obtained from long-term thermal logging and monitoring allowed us to establish for the first time that relaxation of the thermal field of the near-borehole rock massif disturbed during drilling occurs very fast, in terms of geologic time Ц virtually instantaneously (6-7 years). Medium-term (months) and short-term (days) variations of the thermal field have been revealed. Mathematical treatment of the accumulated measurements allowed a connection to be made between medium- and short-term variations of the thermal field and space phenomena (phases of the Moon, luni-solar high and low tides).

Rock mechanics. A study of geo-acoustic noise (GAN) in the KSDB-3 Proterozoic complex (300-6840 m) was conducted. This part of the section was demonstrated to be dynamically active. Structural-anisotropic model of the Kola Superdeep Borehole.It is characterised by numerous GAN anomalies that register zones of cracks, tectonized contacts between various rocks and intervals of fluid release. These anomalous sections are characterised by decreased core extraction and a change in the borehole diameter (cavern formation), which in turn are a characteristic of the geo-mechanical stability of a rock massif.

The greatest increase in high-frequency signals (500-5000 Hz range) in relation to the minimum level is registered in the 3500-4200m depth range. The increase in noise over this range was found to be related to gas emissions. Repeated measurements taken over 3 days with equipment designed for the study of amplitude-frequency spectra cor-roborated the presence of GAN high-frequency anomalies in the mentioned depth inter-val. High-frequency signals typical of seismic-acoustic emission were registered in the 5300-6600m depth range. They are related to dynamic activity in the geological envi-ronment, manifest as micro-disturbances and crack development. At the same time, a competing process of crack closure may occur.

A comparison of diagrams for the amplitude level of high-frequency GAN from measurements taken in 2001Ц03 showed that the gas emission interval does not change position with depth. Only the intensity of high-frequency GAN (pointing to some dy-namics) and corresponding variations in the gas emission intensity change. In the lower part of the interval studied (5000Ц6840 m) one can observe an increase in the amplitude level of low-frequency GAN (100-500 Hz) detected earlier in 2000, 2001 and 2002. These observations enable us to state that below 6840m, intense sub-vertical micro-seisms in the geological environment occur.

Petrophysics. Geological, geophysical and petrophysical characteristics of objects of different hierarchical level: minerals, rock varieties, geological bodies, units, formations, complexes, were studied in detail. To date a large body of information on the entire KSDB-3 section has been obtained. Special emphasis has been placed on the Lu-chlompolo fault zone and contacts between various units, formations and rocks of dif-ferent genesis. Determinations were made on core samples extracted from the borehole and analogous samples taken from the units and formations cut by the borehole and out-cropping at the surface. The borehole behaviour and stability of its contour in relation to elastic-structural and strength properties of rocks at various depths have been investi-gated. An assessment of palaeo- and modern stress parameters in the section down to a depth of 12262 m has been made. The data allow us to forecast rock properties and state for the upper and middle continental crust.

Analysis of structural-textural features of rocks influenced by metamorphic and pa-laeotectonic processes as well as parameters of core anisotropy suggest the presence of two blocks in the KSDB-3 section. In the upper block (to a depth of 4430m), isotropic and weakly anisotropic rocks prevail. Within the block, tension zones confined mainly to volcano-sedimentary rocks have been detected. Tension zones are characterized by increased cracking, permeability, thermal and electrical conductivity, gas and water in-flux. Zones of compression and quasi-plastic deformation are related to intrusive rocks. Compression zones are characterized by low cracking. Two dynamic rock types have been distinguished for this part of the section. The first fixes crush zones or the bounda-ries between structural stages with or without displacement of the upper and lower parts of the block (1.2-1.3, 1.8-2.1, 4.4-4.7km). The second represents cases of rock accumu-lation in stable platform conditions, or with syn-sedimentary depression. In the block below 4430m, the intensity of deformation, degree of recrystallization and rock anisot-ropy increase with depth. One can observe textures typical of highly deformed and metamorphosed sedimentary, volcanic and igneous rocks. According to refined data, the ages of rocks cut by the section vary from 1600 to 3130 Ma.

Laboratory measurements of density indicate that uniformly dense rocks occur in the range 3.0Ц3.6, 3.9Ц4.35km. Average density values decrease with depth; this may be related to lithology and core disintegration during extraction to the surface. The effect of rock disintegration is the reason for anomalously low velocities of compression waves determined for the majority of samples. The main intervals of strongly anisot-ropic rocks and accordingly zones of crucial palaeo-geodynamic events are at depths of 1.75Ц1.95, 4.43Ц4.95, 5.75Ц7.0 and 7.4Ц8.65km. The last interval comprises rocks with the greatest anisotropy. Within them the palaeostress component difference appeared to be the greatest. Below this, to a depth of 12km, rock anisotropy decreases. The investi-gations indicated that during geological history the direction of palaeo-tectonic forces repeatedly changed, at depths exceeding 11.1km it being opposite to the direction of palaeo-forces at 8.6Ц10.1km.

Values of modern tectonic stresses, calculated by CoulombЦMohr number, vary from the surface to a depth of 7km within 15Ц50MPa. At 7Ц10.5km depths those stresses are within 50Ц170MPa. The average ratio of the acting horizontal tectonic stresses (with regard to the lateral pressure) to the vertical is 0.78. Total horizontal stresses on average are 2Ц3 times (at some depths with regard to the rocks anisotropy - 4 times) higher than the horizontal component calculated only with regard to the lateral pressure.

An important result of investigations is corroboration of high anisotropy of rocks occurring at 6.3Ц10.2km depths by simulating in situ conditions. These rocks represent the major part of the KSDB-3 stripped section. In these rocks the anisotropy factor calcu-lated by compression wave velocities is 8Ц18%, while the same factor determined by shear wave velocities varies from ~11% to 38%. Anisotropy indexes are very high, ex-ceeding the value at which it may be ignored. Averaged (without regard for anisotropy) values of compression and shear waves velocities in rocks at high pressures (200Ц600MPa) are mainly determined by mineral composition.

It follows from an analysis of the KSDB-3 vertical velocity section that compression wave velocities are more sensitive to variations in rock composition than shear waves. Accordingly, probing by means of compression waves may be more useful for distin-guishing boundaries between rocks with different composition. This property of com-pression waves may be also used for distinguishing fault dislocations, boundaries be-tween decompaction zones filled, for instance, with fluids. At the same time, the use of shear waves, in particular the VSP polarization method, is efficient for distinguishing highly anisotropic zones in the massif under investigation.

Rock magnetism. Monitoring and investigation of magnetic and magneto-elastic properties (magneto-strictions) of the core allowed us to show that magnetic anomalies as a rule are confined to contacts between various geological units and to tectonic zones. These anomalies are related to mineralization with magnetic minerals.

The investigations enable us to divide rocks cut by the borehole according to mag-netic characteristics, as well as to assess the types and distribution pattern of magnetic minerals along the KSDB-3 section. Thermomagnetic studies demonstrated that a mag-netic fraction, to some extent, is present in some of the core samples. Magnetic and ti-tano-magnetic components have Curie temperature > 625░C. In phyllites and siltstones, pyrrhotite with a Curie T ~ 300░C is present. In metagabbro and migmatites after bio-tite-plagioclase gneiss one can observe recovery of some iron-bearing minerals to mag-netite with a great amount of admixtures (during heating Curie T = 500░C).

Monitoring of the magnetic field along the borehole showed that with the existing borehole design it is difficult to reveal magnetic anomalies related to rocks. The change in magnetic field or sections where it is stable can be registered only for strongly mag-netic objects (rocks from the Pirttijarvi formation, details of the metallic casing string etc.). An analysis of magnetic parameters in the anomalous zones revealed along the KSDB-3 section in 1973, 1975, 1980, 2000, 2002 allowed an assessment of the behav-iour of the magnetic field to be made in some intervals. For instance, from the meas-urements conducted in 2000 and 2002 one could reveal the anomalous zone related to strongly magnetic rocks from the Pirttijarvi formation penetrated at 4884Ц5642m.

References (papers written in year 2 of the project)

Joint Publications of the INTAS and NIS project teams


Golovataya O.S., Gorbatsevich F.F., Il'chenko V.L., Smirnov Yu.P., Kern H., Popp T., Smithson S. & Ay E., Christensen N. On the relationship between velocity anisotropy in unloaded and loaded sam-ples of crystalline rocks. Proceedings of the XIII session of Russian Acoustical Society, 25-29 August 2003, Moscow, GEOS, 2003, pp.66-69 (joint publication of INTAS Project teams CR1, CR6 and CR7, in Russian).

Gorbatsevich F.F. & Gillen C. Acoustopolariscopy results for some rock-forming minerals. Pro-ceedings of the XIII session of Russian Acoustical Society, 25-29 August 2003, Moscow, GEOS, 2003, pp.62-65 (joint publication of INTAS Project teams CO and CR7, in Russian).

Gorbatsevich F.F., Ilchenko V., Trckova J., Zivor R. (submitted 2004): Physical and mechanical properties of metamorphic rocks from the Kola Superdeep Borehole and their surface analogues.

Kern H., Popp T., Gorbatsevich F., Zharikov A., Lobanov K.V. & Smirnov Yu.P. Seismic prop-erties of rocks from the superdeep well and of surface analogues at Kola: a comparative study simulating conditions at depth. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In press (joint publication of INTAS Project teams CR1, CR6 and CR7).

Lobanov K.V., Trckova J., Zharikov A.V., Zivor R. (in preparation 2004): Laboratory perme-ability measurements on analogues of rocks from the Kola Superdeep borehole.

Vetrin, V.R., Turkina, O.M., Ludden, J. & Ohnenstetter, D. (submitted 2004). Petrology, geo-chemistry and surface correlations of rocks from the basement of the Pechenga palaeorift in the Kola su-perdeep borehole. Precambrian Research.

Abstracts in proceedings

Gillen C., Gorbatsevich F., Guberman D., & Mitrofanov F. Kola Superdeep Borehole: rock tex-ture and anisotropy to a depth of 12 km as elements of the palaeogeodynamics of crystalline shields. CD-abstracts for the XXXII International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy. August 20-28, 2004 (a joint publication of INTAS Project teams CO, CR6 and CR7).

Gorbatsevich F. & Gillen C. The types of the phenomenon of linear acoustic anisotropic absorp-tion (LAAA). Conference "Day of diffraction". St. Petersburg, Mathematical Institute of RAS, June 2004 (a joint publication of INTAS Project teams CO and CR7).


Gillen, C., Mitrofanov, F.P. & Sharov, N.V. (2005). Lithosphere in the Russian part of the Bar-ents Region, Arctic Russia. Memoir of the Geological Society. London, 400 pages.

Gillen, C. (2004). Russian-English Geological Dictionary (CD-rom version).

Publications without INTAS-NIS co-authorship of the project teams.


Astrakhantsev Yu.G., Badalov O.G., Guberman D.M., Pevzner S.L., Troyanov A.K., Yudin E.I. & Yakovlev Yu.N. Results of investigation on geoacoustic noises in the Kola Superdeep Borehole. Raz-vedka i okhrana nedr. 2003, No. 6, pp. 28-30 (In Russian, a joint publication of INTAS Project teams CR6 and CR8).

Erokhin Yu.V. & Shagalov E.S. Hypergene oxides and hydrous ferric oxides in ultrabasite from the Zhdanov copper-nickel deposit. Vestnik Uralskogo otdel. Mineralogicheskogo obshchestva RAN, 2003, Yekaterinburg, Izd. UGGA. No. 2, pp. 48-52 (In Russian).

Erokhin Yu.V. Sulphide mineralization of the Majarvi volcanic formation (from the Kola Super-deep Borehole study). Vestnik Uralskogo otdel. Mineralogicheskogo obshchestva RAN, 2003, Yekaterin-burg, Izd. UGGA. No. 2, pp. 38-44 (In Russian).

Golovataya O.S. Study on anisotropy of elastic properties and its impact on the stressed state of rocks in the upper crust (using the Kola Superdeep Borehole as an example). Abstract of PhD (Tech. Sci) dissertation. Apatity, KSC RAS, 2004, 24 p. (In Russian).

Gorbatsevich F.F. Acoustopolariscopy results for some rock-forming minerals received for dif-ferent frequencies. Volume of Mineralogical Society of GI KSC RAS. Kola Branch of Russian Minera-logical Society. Apatity: "K&M", 2003, pp.47-55 (In Russian).

Gorbatsevich F.F. Decompaction mechanism of deep crystalline rocks under stress relief. Tec-tonophysics. V. 370. Issues 1-4, 2003, pp. 121-128.

Gorbatsevich F.F., Guberman D.M., Il'chenko V.L., Golovataya O.S., Smirnov Yu.P., Yakovlev Yu.N. Properties, texture and state of rocks in the Kola Superdeep Borehole section. In: Lithosphere in the Russian part of the Barents Region Eds.: C. Gillen, F.P. Mitrofanov, N.V. Sharov. (In press, a joint publication of INTAS Project teams CO and CR7).

Gorbatsevich F.F., Ilchenko V.L., Golovataya O.S. & Smirnov Yu.P. Kola Superdeep: a 3-D structural-anisotropic model of crystalline rocks in the upper and middle crust. In: Stress state of litho-sphere, its deformation and seismicity. Novosibirsk.: "Geo", 2003, pp. 303-306 (a joint work of INTAS Project teams CR6 and CR7, in Russian).

Guberman D.M., Gorbatsevich F.F., Nikitin A.N., Smirnov Yu.P. & Tyuremnov V.A. Anisot-ropy and relaxation of rocks in the geospace of the Kola Superdeep Borehole. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 2003, No. 6, p. 38-43 (In Russian, a joint publication of INTAS Project teams CR6 and CR7).

Guberman D.M., Morozov Yu.A., Sholpo V.N. & Yakovlev Yu.N. Structural organization of the Kola SG-3 geospace. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 2003, No. 6, pp. 22-28 (In Russian).

Igolkina G.V. Magnetometric investigations of the Kola Superdeep Borehole section. (paper prepared for publication in 2004-2005).

Melezhik V.A., Fallick A.E., Smirnov Yu.P. & Yakovlev Yu.N. Fractionation of carbon and oxygen isotopes in 13C-rich Paleoproterozoic dolostones in the transition from medium-grade to high-grade greenschist facies: a case study from the Kola Superdeep Drillhole. Journal of the Geological Soci-ety, London, 2003, Vol. 160. pp. 71-82.

Ovchinnikov N.O., Nikitina L.P., Babushkina M.S., Yakovleva A.K., Yakovlev Yu.N, Chernova O.G. & Redfern S.A.T. Structural states of micas in amphibolites of the KSDB-3 deep borehole and their surface equivalents. Mineralogical Magazine, 2002, Vol. 66 (4), pp. 491-512.

Savchenko S.N. Assessment of the rock stressed state in the KSDB drill site area Physical and technical problems of mineral resources development, No. 1, 2004, pp. 27-34 (In Russian).

Savchenko S.N. Evaluation of horizontal tectonic stresses by the data of core drilling in Kola Superdeep Well. Journ. of Min. Sci., V. 39, No. 4, 2003, pp. 331-337.

Smirnov Yu.P. New data on the rate and time of accumulation of volcanic and terrigenous rocks in the early Precambrian. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 2003, No. 6, pp. 30-33 (In Russian).

Troyanov A.K. & Astrakhantsev Yu.G. Periodicity in time variations of geoacoustic noises in deep boreholes. Transactions of the XIII session of the Russian Acoustic Society, 25-29 August, 2003, Moscow, GEOS, 2003, pp. 160-162 (In Russian).

Troyanov A.K. Monitoring of geoacoustic noises in the Kola Superdeep Borehole. (paper pre-pared for publication in 2004-2005).


Dyakonov B.P. & Troyanov A.K. Results of seismoacoustic emission investigations in the Urals and Kola superdeep boreholes. International conference "Moscow-2003". CD-ROM (In Russian).

Golovataya O.S. Nature of elastic anisotropy of crystalline rocks in the upper crust. Conference of young scientists dedicated to the memory of K.O. Kratz. Petrozavodsk, September, 2003 (In Russian).

Guberman D.M., Nikitin A.N., Smirnov Yu.P. & Tyuremnov V.A. Elastic properties of amphi-bolites in the SD-3 geospace. International Conference on Problems of Modern Physics (12; 2003; Dubna). Programme & abstracts of XII International Conf. on Selected Problems of Modern Physics, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of D.I. Blokhintsev (1908-1979), Dubna, June 8-11, 2003. Section II лPhysical Investigation at pulsed Reactor╗. Dubna: JINR, 2003, p. 36 (In Russian).

Igolkina. G.V. The use of magnetic properties of rocks from the Kola Superdeep Borehole for the solution of geological problems. International conference "Moscow-2003". CD-ROM (In Russian).

Trckova J. (2004): Assessment of geomechanical changes in the upper crust on the basis of labo-ratory tests of rock samples from KSDB-3 borehole and their surface analogues, 32nd International Geo-logical Congress Ц Florence 2004 (CD and poster presentation)


G.V. Igolkina. The study of rocks magnetization in their natural occurrence according to the data of measurements in superdeep boreholes // Volume "Kola Superdeep and its sur-rounding". Apatity (to be published).

Yu. G. Astrakhantsev, O.G. Badalov, D.M. Guberman, S.L. Pevzner, A.K. Troyanov, E.I. Yudin & Yu.N. Yakovlev. The results of investigations into geoacoustic noises in the Kola Superdeep Borehole // Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding", Apatity (a joint publication of INTAS Project teams CR6 and CR8).

Yu.V. Erokhin, E.S. Shagalov & D.A. Kleimenov. Mineralogy of chromitites from the Bazhenov ophiolite complex // Yearbook - 2002: IGG UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, 2003, pp. 24-30.

H. Kern, T. Popp, F. Gorbatsevich, A. Zharikov, K.V. Lobanov & Yu. P. Smirnov. Seismic properties of rocks from the superdeep well and their surface analogues at Kola: a comparative study simulating conditions at depth. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its sur-rounding". In press (joint publication of INTAS Project teams CR1, CR7 & CR6).

Trckova J., Zivor R., Lobanov K.V., Kazansky V. I., Zharikov A.V. & Smirnov Yu.P. Comparison of elastic properties of the Kola Superdeep Borehole core samples and their sur-face analogues obtained by static and dynamic measurements. In print.

Trckova J., Zivor R. & Smirnov Yu.P. Comparison of physical and mechanical proper-ties of the Kola Superdeep Borehole core samples and their surface analogues. In print.

S.N. Savchenko & A.A. Kozyrev. Current stresses of the rock mass near the Kola Su-perdeep borehole (SG-3). Int. Journal of Rock mech. and Min. Sci. In press.

F.F. Gorbatsevich & C. Gillen. Acoustopolariscopy results for some rock-forming minerals. Volume of Russian Acoustical society. In press (a joint publication of INTAS Pro-ject teams CO and CR7).

F.F. Gorbatsevich. Acoustopolariscopy results for some rock-forming minerals re-ceived for different frequencies. Volume of Mineralogical Society of GI KSC RAS. In press.

O.S. Golovataya. The influence of rocks elastic anisotropy on the stability of mine workings (for the Kola superdeep borehole). Volume "Day of miner". In press.

Publications without INTAS-NIS co-authorship of the project teams

Bayanova T.B., Yakovlev Yu.N., Guberman D.M., Yakovleva A.K., Skuf'in P.K., Delenitsin A.A. U-Pb isotope on zircon and Sm-Nd whole rock model ages for the rocks from the Kola Superdeep Borehole (SG-3) and their homologues on the surface. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print.

Nikitina L.P., Ovchinnikov N.O., Babushkina M.S., Yakovleva A.K., Yakovlev Yu.N., Chernova O.G. & Goilo E.A. Crystal structure defects in micas from mafites and ul-tramafites in the Kola Superdeep Borehole. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print.

Yakovlev Yu.N., Skuf'in P.K. & Neradovsky Yu.N. Ore mineralization of volcanites from the Luostari group of the Pechenga structure. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its sur-rounding". In print.

Skufin P.K. & Yakovlev Yu.N. Geological location and petrogeochemical features of volcanites from the Majarvi, Pirttijarvi and Orshoaivi Formations in the northern Pechenga complex at great depths and in the near-surface zone. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its sur-rounding". In print.

Guberman D.M., Smirnov Yu.P. & Tyuremnov V.A. Relaxation processes and anisot-ropy of elastic wave velocities in the space-time coordinates in rocks from the KSDB-3 sec-tion. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print.

Gordienko V.V., Gordienko Vl.Vl., Kalinicheva G.I., Ol'khovaya E.A., Rumyantseva E.V., Timokhina L.A., Guberman D.M., Smirnov Yu.P., Yakovleva A.K. & Yakovlev Yu.N. Granitic pegmatites in the Kola Superdeep Borehole (vertical mineralogical-geochemical zonality and genesis problems). Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print.

Guberman D.M., Larikova T.L., Morozov YU.A., Smul'skaya A.I., Sholpo V.N. & Yakovlev Yu.N. Structure and evolution of the KSDB-3 geospace based on the results of the study of structural-material heterogeneity. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print.

Mitrofanov F.P., Guberman D.M., Kuempel H.-J., Gillen C., Gorbatsevich F.F. & IGCP-408 team. New data on the composition, properties and structure of deep rocks in the Kola Superdeep. CD-abstract. EGS-AGU-EUG Assembly, 6-11 April, 2003, Nice, France.



ONLY: Jointly by INTAS and NIS Project teams

Scientific Output


in press/ accepted



Paper in an International Journal





Paper in a National Journal

16 (Russian, English)

4 (Russian, English)



Abstract in proceedings (conferences, workshops)







Book, Monograph



а1 (English)


Internal Report





Thesis (MSc, PhD, etc.)

1 (Russian)









1.3 Impact and application

New information permits a more precise assessment to be made of the metal ore poten-tial of the Pechenga massif and refined exploration criteria for mineral resources. Stud-ies underway allow us to substantiate the hazards of high-toxic waste disposal at depth. An important finding is the corroboration of high rock anisotropy in the 6.3-10.2km depth range by simulating in situ conditions. Long-term observations of the magnetic field (1973-2002) corroborate the change in the magnetic field of borehole rocks in time and at depth, thus allowing the solution of magnetostratigraphic problems.


2.1. Meetings and visits

The meetings and visits are summarized in the table below:


Number of scientists

Number of person days

West ==> East



East ==> West



West ==> West



East ==> East



2.2. Collaboration

Overall, the level of cooperation in all directions has been rather high, with no problems encountered in the receipt of specimens; e-mail communications with Zapolyarny did not function efficiently, but this was resolved through Apatity.

Intensity of Collaboration


rather high

rather low


West <=> East





West <=> West





East <=> East





There has also been cooperation with other institutes of the Russian Academy of Sci-ences in Moscow, Petrozavodsk and St Petersburg, and in the case of CR4 I. Kukkonen (Finland) with The University of Melbourne, Australia. CR1 H. Kern has collaborated with scientists from Dubna (Russian Academy). CR5 I. Trckova has carried out work with colleagues in Moscow at the Academy of Sciences Institute of Ore Geology, Pe-trology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry. CO C. Gillen has been collaborating with others in Petrozavodsk and St Petersburg (Academy of Sciences Institutes).

2.3. Time schedule

Up to now, the time planning has been in accordance with the Work Programme. The only slight delay reported relates to fission track investigations, caused by the lack of the mineral apatite in the Proterozoic section of the Kola borehole. This will be acceler-ated in the autumn of 2004, in collaboration with Australian co-workers, but there is only very little sample material available, and care will have to be taken.

Two colleagues underwent hospital treatment in the third quarter of the year, and one other colleague suffered a very sad family bereavement just before this Report was to be written for INTAS Ц the delay was relatively short (2 weeks). No extension to the origi-nal time schedule is requested.

2.4. Problems encountered

As previously stated, we encountered practically no management or communications problems in the second year; we have mostly used e-mail with attachments, and tele-phones. It was suggested by one colleague that further investigations would be made easier if scientists could assemble at the Kola site to select samples for themselves.

Problems encountered




not applicable

Co-operation of team






Transfer of funds










Transfer of goods










2.5. Actions required

There is no need for additional funds and no need to prolong the duration of the project or make other amendments to the agreement.


The table below shows how the money allocated (20% in year 2) was used so far (in И)



Cost Category



Name of Contractor

Grants/ Labour


Travel & Subsistence





Other Costs

( Euro )


CO - C. Gillen









CR1 - H. Kern









CR2 - R. Borchardt









CR3 - D. Ohnenstetter









CR4 - I. Kukkonen









CR5 - J. Trckova









CR6 - D. Guberman









CR7 - F. Gorbatsevich









CR8 - G. Igolkina


















The attached pages present brief summaries of the work of the groups involved in joint research during the second year of the project.

CO Ц C. Gillen (Edinburgh, UK; Coordinator). Time has been spent collaborating with Apatity on laboratory results; translation duties; completion of electronic version of a new comprehensive RussianЦEnglish Geological Dictionary; coordination of the project by keeping in touch with all the participants, through Apatity in the case of the Russians; and collating data on previous research in preparation for a major new publication on the geology, structure, geophysics and mineral resources of the Kola region. This will be published in 2005 by the London Geological Society in their special memoir series, and will be an important contribution to science at an international level, and will greatly enhance the reputation of the contractors and INTAS.

C1 Ц H. Kern (Kiel, Germany). Professor Kern has been collaborating with colleagues in the Russian Academy of Sciences at Dubna on P- and S-wave propagation and polarization in foliated rocks from the Kola superdeep well, using evidence from laboratory measurements and calculations based on neutrol diffraction.

CR2 Ц R. Borchardt (Giessen, Germany). Some 15 uncovered and polished thin sec-tions were prepared, followed by a series of investigations: (a) Polarized microscopy for the first description of texture, minerals and rock types; (b) Qualitative electron mi-croprobe analyses on all phases in veins; (c) Scanning electron microscope images (backscattered electrons) for detailed overview of tiny interconnection features of dif-ferent minerals, not resolved optically by polarizing microscope; (d) Several X-ray maps and line scans of several elements to show chemical variations of minerals and their associations on the micron scale; (e) Quantitative step-scans and single focussed microprobe measurements on minerals in order to get more detailed results on the pres-sureЦtemperature history and development of phases deposited from fluids and the whole rock; (f) Larger scan (70*100 microns) and/or defocussed (~80 microns diame-ter) beam analyses for whole rock chemical compositions on the first 6 samples.

CR3 Ц D. Ohnenstetter (Nancy, France). Task T1.2 which concerns the petrology, geochemistry with depth and lithology from the borehole compared to basement rocks was completed during this second year. We analysed new additional samples of rocks, 10 from the Kola superdeep borehole and 5 from the basement outcropping in the adjacent area of the hornblende-biotite gneiss complex from Garjo in north Norway. Work also started on cathodoluminescence (CL) studies of zircons extracted from borehole rocks. Complementary CL studies as well as microprobe of the zircons will be done next year. This will allow us to choose the areas for U-Pb dating using SIMS equipment at Nancy.

CR 4 Ц I. Kukkonen (Espoo, Finland). Some work on chemical and microprobe analyses was continued from year 1; fission track work turned out to be complicated due to the lack of apatite in the Kola samples Ц these investigations are on-going with Australian collaborators. The main work on heat production and mineralogy will commence in earnest in month 26.

CR5 Ц J. Trckova (Prague, Czech Republic). Physical and mechanical properties of specimens prepared from rock samples collected from the Kola borehole and their surface analogues, were determined: particle and bulk density, porosity, unconfined compressive strength, modulus of deformation, Young's modulus, and permeability. Specimens of surface analogues were subjected to the PЦT conditions corresponding to conditions of core samples in the borehole. Results of laboratory tests carried out on gneiss samples from the Superdeep borehole and their surface analogues, obtained from the Geological Institute, Kola Science Centre, Apatity, were returned to Apatity to compare our results with test results obtained in the Geological Institute. A comparative study of laboratory permeability measurements performed by two different methods on surface analogues of rocks from the Kola borehole was undertaken in two laboratories: Institute of Rock Structure & Mechanics, Prague, and the Moscow Institute of Geology, Petrology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry of Ore Deposits.

CR6 Ц D. Guberman (Zapolyarny, Russia). Most attention has been concentrated on analysing the palaeo-geodynamic events in the Proterozoic complex of the Pechenga geoblock, measuring geo-acoustic noises and temperature logging in the KSDB-3 main hole (together with team CR8). The structure of the KSDB-3 geo-space, the Pechenga geoblock, was shown to be determined by the combination and interaction of structural elements genetically related to the KolmozeroЦVoronya and Poritash deep faults. The impact of the first is most conspicuous in folding and thrusting of the northern (Archaean) part of the geo-space, whereas the impact of the second is seen mostly in the Pechenga structure. The integrated picture of the geo-space is one of convergence in terms of structural elements, caused by these long-lived faults.

New dates for the amphibolite protoliths in the KSDB-3 Archaean section were ob-tained. The structure, composition and ore mineralization in the lower sedimentary for-mations of the Proterozoic complex and in the near-surface zone were studied. Frac-tionation of isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen in the course of metamorphism of carbonate rocks and these formations has been investigated. An important result has been the discovery of a distinct correlation between the concentration of elements in pore solutions, porosity and rock strength. These phenomena are most conspicuous in the Luchlompolo fault zone and along the contacts of various units, formations and rocks of different genesis.

A study of geo-acoustic noise (GAN) in the Proterozoic complex (300-6840 m) in-dicated that this part of the section is dynamically active and is characterised by numer-ous GAN anomalies. Zones of cracks, tectonized contacts between various rocks, and intervals of fluid release have been registered in areas characterised by decreased core extraction and a change in the borehole diameter with cavern formation

It was established that relaxation of the thermal field of the near-borehole rock massif disturbed during drilling occurs very fast in terms of geological time Ц virtually instantaneously (6-7 years). Medium-term (months) and short-term (days) variations of the thermal field have been revealed. A connection between medium- and short-term variations of the thermal field and space phenomena (phases of Moon, lunisolar high and low tides) has also been discovered.

On the basis of the data obtained one can gain a better insight into the properties and state of the deep crystalline basement of the Earth's crust. The new data allow a more precise assessment to be made of the ore potential within the Pechenga massif, and refining exploration criteria for individual mineral resources. The studies underway enable one to substantiate the hazards of high-toxic waste disposal at great depths. The data obtained enable us to predict the properties and state of rocks in the upper and middle continental crust.

Guberman, D.M. - team coordinator; structure of the KSDB-3 section, study of rock physical properties, Earth's crust anisotropy.

Yakovlev, Yu.N. - structure, geochronology and geochemistry of the KSDB-3 section; structure and composition of rock forming and ore minerals, interpretation of borehole geophysics results obtained in the previous years and for this period.

Smirnov, Yu.P. - structure and texture of rocks from the section, the study of rock physical properties, anisotropy of the Earth's crust.

Pilyaeva, S.N. - monitoring of fluids, hydrogeological observations in the KSDB-3.

CR7 Ц F. Gorbatsevich (Apatity, Russia). A distinctive feature of the INTAS project work in 2003-2004 was summarising a great body of information accumulated before the project start and a joint analysis of that information and the data obtained during the two project years. The main result over the accounting period was revealing the main intervals of the highly anisotropic rocks occurrence and, respectively, zones of the most important palaeogeodynamic events in the KSDB-3 section. These intervals are at 1.75-1.95, 4.43-4.95, 5.75-7.0 and 7.4-8.65km. The last interval includes rocks with the highest anisotropy. Within these rocks the palaeostress component difference was apparently the greatest. The investigations revealed that during geological history the direction of palaeotectonic forces changed time and again, at depths exceeding 11.1km it being opposite to the palaeostresses direction at 8.6-10.15km.

An important finding of the investigations is corroboration of high anisotropy of rocks occurring at 6.3-10.2 km depths. In these rocks the anisotropy factor calculated by compression wave velocities is 8Ц18%, while the same factor determined by shear wave velocities varies from ~11% to 38%. Anisotropy indexes are very high, exceeding the value at which this property may be ignored.

An assessment of modern tectonic stresses showed that they vary from the surface to a depth of 7km within 15-50MPa. At 7-10.5km those stresses are within 50-170MPa. The average ratio of the acting horizontal tectonic stresses (relative to lateral pressure) to the vertical is 0.78. Total horizontal stresses on average are 2-3 times (at some depths with regard to the rocks anisotropy, 4 times) higher than the horizontal component cal-culated only with regard to the lateral pressure.

During drilling and extracting crystalline rocks from depths in excess of 4-5km, one can observe a disintegration (decompaction) effect. Rock disintegration is the rea-son for anomalously low velocities of compression waves determined for the majority of the core samples. Polycrystalline rocks decompact and disintegrate during extraction from depths exceeding 4-5km. Disintegration sets radical limits on extraction of whole polycrystalline rocks from great depths. For instance, without special equipment allow-ing in situ conditions to be maintained during extraction, it will be possible to recover leucocratic varieties (gneiss, granite, migmatite) from depths exceeding 13 km only in the form of sludge. An important practical consequence of the disintegration effect is the possibility to create unmanned production techniques for extracting some mineral resources, and to create underground cavities at inaccessible depths.

Gorbatsevich F.F. realized the management and dissemination of information among Russian and western teams. He analysed the texture and structure of rocks, acousto-polariscopy of rock samples and measured their physical properties. He summarised the information previously accumulated, and analysed it together with the data ob-tained during the last two years. He obtained new data on decompaction (disintegra-tion) of deep rocks extracted to the surface (T1.2, T1.3).

F.P. Mitrofanov dealt with management and organisation concerning Russian teams. He made an analysis of relevant geological, geophysical and petrological data based on the documentation of KSDB-3. He obtained new data on geochronological dates of rocks cut by KSDB-3.

S.N. Savchenko carried out mathematical modelling of the borehole section under conditions of uneven-component stress field of a rock mass, simulated modern stresses, geodynamic reconstruction in the vicinity of KSDB-3. The value of modern tectonic stresses was found to change within 15-50MPa from the surface to a depth of 7km. At 7-10.5km depths those stresses are within 50-170MPa (T3.3, T.3.4).

Z.V. Nechmir collected data and analysed the results of petrophysical parameters of rock samples, collected statistics and prepared papers for publications (T1.3).

O.S. Golovataya measured acoustopolarization properties of samples from depths of 7 to 11km and analysed them. She discovered that rocks at 6.3-10.2km in KSDB-3 are strongly anisotropic. In these rocks the anisotropy factor calculated by compression wave velocities is 8Ц18%, while the same factor determined by the shear wave velocities varies from ~11% to 38% (T1.3, T3.1).

V.I. Il'chenko made measurements of petrophysical parameters of rocks near the Luchlompolo fault as well as in other intervals where the most important palaeogeody-namic events occurred. He analysed and generalized the palaeogeodynamic setting in the ranges of 1.75-1.95, 4.43-4.95, 5.75-7.0 and 7.4-8.65 km (T1.3, T.3.1).

E.A. Nitkina analysed and generalized geological and geochronological data on the Pechenga region and KSDB-3 section. She compiled a geological-geochronological section of the KSDB-3 (T3.5).

S.Yu. Zolotikova prepared a first draft version of the web-site with investigation results for the Kola Superdeep on the basis of mineralogical, geological, petrological and structural data from the KSDB-3 documentation (T1.1, T1.2).

CR8 Ц G. Igolkina (Ekaterinburg, Russia). In 2003-2004 an investigation of magnetic and magnetic-elastic properties of the KSDB-3 core from the 2-12km depth range was carried out. The results of the study of magnetic susceptibility were analysed, and thermomagnetic investigations of the core samples were made. In the 300-6840m depth range, geo-acoustic noise was measured and operating observations at 56 points of the KSDB-3 section have been performed. Sulphide mineralization in Proterozoic and Archaean rocks was studied. Ore mineralization (sulphides, oxides and hydrous ferric oxides) in ultramafic rocks from the Zhdanov deposit was examined.

The investigation of the magnetic field and its long-term monitoring in the KSDB-3 geo-realm during 1973-2002 corroborate the presence of variations in magnetic field of the rocks from the borehole in time and depth. This allows the results to be used for solving some magneto-stratigraphic problems.

Investigations of natural seismo-acoustic emission showed that the greatest in-crease in high-frequency signals (range 500-5000 Hz) relative to the GAN minimum level is detected in the 3500-4200 m depth range. There are signs that this GAN type is caused by gas emission from rocks. A comparison of diagrams showing GAN ampli-tude level from measurements made in 2001, 2002 and 2003, indicates that the source of gas emission does not change position with depth. Only the intensity of high-frequency GAN changes point to dynamic phenomena at the mentioned depths.

For the first time the presence of cobalt- and nickel-bearing pyrite was established in studies of sulphide mineralization in metamorphosed volcanic and gabbroic rocks from the Majarvi formation. The cobalt concentration in pyrite is zonal: it changes from negligible in the crystal centre to large concentrations in marginal zones. In the course of investigations on hypergene iron minerals represented by haematite, goethite and bernalite from copper-nickel ores of the Zhdanov deposit, it was found that acces-sory chrome spinel is fully substituted by goethite-bernalite assemblages and the sul-phide mass is covered by thin films of haematite. It was established that such substitu-tions are possible only under weathering crust conditions.

G.V. Igolkina co-ordinated the work of team CR8, established contacts and organised information exchange with other teams. In December 2003 she established a working group to measure geo-acoustic noises in KSDB-3 and took part in this work. She or-ganized thermomagnetic studies of the core, made an interpretation and analysis of monitoring results for the borehole magnetic field. She has prepared papers for publi-cation, together with other INTASЦ01-0314 contractors.

A.K. Troyanov organized and conducted measurements of geoacoustic noises in the KSDB-3 shaft. He made an analysis and interpretation of the data obtained, and prepared papers and abstracts on the investigation topic.

Yu.V. Erokhin performed a detailed study of sulphide and ore mineralization (200 microprobe analyses of sulphides and some ore minerals) in the KSDB-3 core samples and homologues at the surface. He prepared two articles on the project topic where he presented the study results.

Edinburgh, UK, 15 June 2004

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